Friday, April 25, 2008

When Smiling Attacks

Posted by Hui Min at 12:22 AM
My god ,wadda day.Smiley has been my friend ever since as long as I can remember.I feel that when I give my Smiley to people ,thay give theirs back and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.It's a good feeling yo.*slaps face for saying yo*


Smiley got me in trouble today!!!!I was just giving Pn. Aminah binti Ismail my Smiley and then she goes all angry and makes me stand in front of the class.I honestly don't remember when was the last time I got punished.Like wtf man.Seriously,she literally made me stand in front for smiling.I know,I know.Now I bet you people are laughing your asses of and going all ''HAHAHAHA!!!!PADAN MUKA!Bloody ass,you smile so much it ticks me off.That idiotic smile,those braces that blind my eyes!Ugh!Seriously ,I'm so happy you finally got it back.''

Yes.Padan muka.

I learnt my lesson today.

Never smile when a teacher is in a bad mood/PMS-ing.

Okay,that isn't the complete version of the story.Definitely didn't add anything but I did take some stuff away XD.

Today started off like normal.Study,lepak,talk.Then,duing Science period,I realized I lost/left my Purple Book at home.I still haven't found it.Asked Matthew,my partner whether he took it,no.F man.Soooooo.Like the noble person I am, puhrahsan peice of shit XD I told Pn Aminah I left it at home but nooooooooo,she decided to ignore me.So,I shared book with Matthew and went into goody-goody mode.Helping him with his homework what not.Mind you,we're in the animal topic now and I'm like No.1 Animal Fan.Just for our info,did you know that there are snakes that give birth to live young?And,did you know that a platypus is a mammal?It lays eggs the size of marbles and has mammary glands fo the babies to suckle on to.Aanother thing,did you know the capybara is the biggest rodent in the world?One more thing,did you know echidnas lay eggs?

Back to the story,teacher was in a very bad mood cuz Hei Zel and Grace kept on getting caught for 'talking' so yeah,teach was in a baaaaaaaad mood.And then,she came to my place.

Pn Bignose:Hui Min,mana buku?

Hui Min:Eheh..tinggal kat rumah...Hey,I'm only human.We're bound to forget stuff at times.

Pn Bignose:Okay,u diri kat tempat u.Nasib baik I buat u diri kat tempat u.You rarely make people stand up for leaving their books in the first place.

Hui Min:*Does the Yau Factor*Exactly what I did,I mumbled ''yay'' and clapped my hands without making any sounds.In fact,my hand gesture was barely noticable.Note,Yau Factor is when I go all happy.See,it's a Yau Factor if you know what I mean.

Pn Bignose:Kenapa u tepuk tangaaaan????I memang geram sekarang.Kenapa u tepuk tangan???Pergi diri kat depan.

Hui Min:*Goes in front while trying to stop smiling*My god that was damn hard cuz like everyone was laughing with/at me.Damn you JJ and Kadri,it was frickin' hard.

Another scene...

Pn Bignose:Siape punye koko kad kat sini?U tak nak,I buang.Oh!Rupe-rupenye ,Kadri Nizam.Kadri,I demerit u sebab u buang sampahOnly you think it's rubbish.It's his koko card for god's sake!Who'd throw their koko card away??.You sudah Form 2,tau???U patut tau mane nak buang sampah!Amboi,buat saye geram je!

Warning!If you hate info about animals,go away!You've been warned.

Conversation between Xian and me while we were doing our Science h/w.

Xian:Hey Yau,does a fog carry out internal or external fertilization?


Xian:I don't understand.How???

Me:The eggs our out of the body and the sperm goes into the egg.External.

Xian:I don't understand how???So the sperm goes into the egg?

Me:Yessssssssss.The the sexual intercourse(?) happens outside the body so its externaaaal.

Xian:I don't understand.How do you know all this?Doesn't the frog have sex or something?

Me:Yes and it's called mating.It's a term for animal sex.

Xian:I still don't understand.Then why isn't it called internal fertilization?

Me:*sigh*Because.When the frogs mate,they don't exactly 'connect'.They just stimulate each other.

Xian:I don't understand.Doesn't the male frog help the female lay eggs?Doesn't the male like climb on the female?

Me:In a way,yes.It does help by stimulating the female.It does climb on the female but there's no 'connection' at all.It just like ahem vibrates the female's 'sensitive' part to stimulate her to lay eggs for the male.By connection,I mean snake go into hole for some of you who really don't get it.

Xian:I don't understand.How do you know all this???

Me:Animal Planet!

Xian:I don't understand.I watch it too!I personally think she doesn't watch it everyday.She seems too misinformed for someone whom watches animal planet or she was just playing dumb.More to the doesn't watch everyday.Yup,Xian isn't playing dumb type.Though,the way she described watching it was like she liked it a lot.I'm still waiting for the day when I find someone as passionate as me about animals.

Me:But,do you watch as much as me?

Xian:I dunno!I like-I like watching the ten show.Ten show?Yup,I think she doesn't watch Animal Planet everyday.

Me:You mean The Most Extreme?Good! Keep watching re-runs.Watched almost everything already.The show is damn nice.

Okay,I forgot everything else.There's nothing else anyways.

To Xian,I felt excited when you were all ''I watch Animal Planet too!'' but you sure don't know a lot.No effence,ya XD?Honesty is the best policy and uh..the truth hurts?

I love you Xian no,this isn't an insult in any way^^I just got so excited.Sorry,animal freak.

Toodles ~!

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