Sunday, April 13, 2008

At home on a Monday

Posted by Hui Min at 9:24 PM
Yes,I am sick and it's 8 am.Feeling very weak and tired right now.Ohohohoh,and I lost my voice.

I LOST MY VOICE.I,Yau Hui Min have lost my voice.

How possible is that???

The girl who goes around yelling with her loud ''man voice'' as I may call it.Yeah,she lost her voice!It's not like I was yelling while debating or anything.My beloved voice just didn't come out this morning.I was totally fine last night.Wait,I did notice something.When I tried screaming for Jarrod when he got Most Improved,only air came out.And as I can see,it has become much worse.


And we have choral speaking today.Fuck it man and I was the one telling people to not boycott.Now,I'm the one not coming.

Oh yeah,one more thing.

I changed my blog layout and now everything's really retarded.Notice all the stuff down there?

One more thing.


Some idiot has been hacking into my account and changing the url to Notice the missing double 'r'?Now anyone that've linked me will like realize my blog doesn't exist.Madre!

Jarrod's brother,Jordan Jethro helped me out yesterday to correct the url but now it's like this again.I don't know if this is bloggers fault or someone has been hacking into my acc.Wait,there are people hacking into my acc.Damn a lot of people know my p/w.It's friggin easy and I told hem anyway.Gah.*slaps face*

Edit:I forgot to mention why I got sick.Anyway,I shall now do so.On Sunday,woke up at 6 am,showered,went to school for MYMUN.Was in a rush so didn't eat breakfast.Debate,debate,debate.Received title.Lunch.Didn't eat lunch cuz

1.It's rice.People with braces don't go with rice when you're in public.

2.It had onions.

3.It looked gross.

So yeah,thought it was a small matter cuz we're going home after lunch but that's what I thought.In the end,we like stayed back in BU4 for damn long cuz me,JJ and Yie Hong were like lepaking around.That was until 3.Went to church(I'm not Christian)with Bee till 5.Forgot that I haven't eaten the whole day.Ate a packet of oreos(That was at 5)Went home at 5 something.Fell asleep.Ate dinner at 7.So yeah,as you can see,I barely ate.

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