Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I hate titles.

Posted by Hui Min at 5:48 AM
When I logged on today I was like omg.How the crap did I get 20 hits in one day?I swear this morning when I logged on at 6 am,it was 44.And now it's like 66.Damn syiok wei.I'm sorry,I'm a nOOb.On friendster,I normally get only one page view a day.Damn sad horh?So like twenty right now is a lot to me^^Oh yeah,this is the time to advertise my friendster and my MYMUN pictures.


Go man.Go.Cliccckkkk.Okay done.

And now for the chicken dance!

de-de-de-de-de-de-de*squeeze* de-de-de-de-de-de-de*flap wings* de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de*tail waggle* clap-clap-clap-clap

I tell you I'm like addicted to it.It's so freakin' cute!dededededededdededededededededededede.Nuff' ef that.My probation friends introduced me to it and it's just so frickin' fun if you do it in a group.

~~~~end of chicken story~~~~~

Hmmm...I'll be posting less nowadays.Yau needs to study.Test is just around the corner.There's effin a lot to study.

BM-Study komsas
BI-Sap sap sui.
M3-Okaylah but need to revise form 1
Geo-ALL form 1 Babs and 1-11 for Form 2.27 Babs all together.Yup,I be pushin' daisies soon.
History-Form 1~4,5,6 and Form 2~1,2,3,4.Might be less than Geo but there's damn a lot to remember.Plus,boringggggggggggg.
Science-It's easy if I actually take the time to study.
KH~All form 1 & form 2 elective.F man.I paling benci accounts.I'm not made for technical shits for god's sake.Boys are.
Art~No need elaboration here.
Moral~Piece of useless crap.

Oh yeah.I made a different layout.


Why?Well,it's a whole lotta bull comin' out from a really hated form 1's mouth.Trust me,you don't wanna read it.I was stupid and childish AND really hated by many so yeah,don't blame me.But, my opinion of Tim Wong still hasn't changed.That guy's a bastard.Know wonder he's so desperate.Note,J did not pakat with Tim.I just had a very immature thinking back then but some of us still haven't changed.


I think it's nicer in a way cuz of it's simplicity.

Gotta go study now.


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