Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I hate titles.

Posted by Hui Min at 5:48 AM 0 comments
When I logged on today I was like omg.How the crap did I get 20 hits in one day?I swear this morning when I logged on at 6 am,it was 44.And now it's like 66.Damn syiok wei.I'm sorry,I'm a nOOb.On friendster,I normally get only one page view a day.Damn sad horh?So like twenty right now is a lot to me^^Oh yeah,this is the time to advertise my friendster and my MYMUN pictures.


Go man.Go.Cliccckkkk.Okay done.

And now for the chicken dance!

de-de-de-de-de-de-de*squeeze* de-de-de-de-de-de-de*flap wings* de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de*tail waggle* clap-clap-clap-clap

I tell you I'm like addicted to it.It's so freakin' cute!dededededededdededededededededededede.Nuff' ef that.My probation friends introduced me to it and it's just so frickin' fun if you do it in a group.

~~~~end of chicken story~~~~~

Hmmm...I'll be posting less nowadays.Yau needs to study.Test is just around the corner.There's effin a lot to study.

BM-Study komsas
BI-Sap sap sui.
M3-Okaylah but need to revise form 1
Geo-ALL form 1 Babs and 1-11 for Form 2.27 Babs all together.Yup,I be pushin' daisies soon.
History-Form 1~4,5,6 and Form 2~1,2,3,4.Might be less than Geo but there's damn a lot to remember.Plus,boringggggggggggg.
Science-It's easy if I actually take the time to study.
KH~All form 1 & form 2 elective.F man.I paling benci accounts.I'm not made for technical shits for god's sake.Boys are.
Art~No need elaboration here.
Moral~Piece of useless crap.

Oh yeah.I made a different layout.


Why?Well,it's a whole lotta bull comin' out from a really hated form 1's mouth.Trust me,you don't wanna read it.I was stupid and childish AND really hated by many so yeah,don't blame me.But, my opinion of Tim Wong still hasn't changed.That guy's a bastard.Know wonder he's so desperate.Note,J did not pakat with Tim.I just had a very immature thinking back then but some of us still haven't changed.


I think it's nicer in a way cuz of it's simplicity.

Gotta go study now.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 1:55 AM 0 comments
God I love that place.Good for burning time.

You Can Make 72% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You

Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal.

Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you!

As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end.

Hhhhmm...I just realized I've been very discipline for the past year and a half.99% of guys from my school.have never seen my flirtatious side yet.Only one girl has noticed it before.C'est la vie,it's for the better ;D.

You Are 90% Sexy

Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts!

Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it.

You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride.

Harhar.Right.But maybe that explains those leprechauns(2 Raya inside joke)and those other hobos who go all touchy-feely.Oh yeah,this test mainly tests you on how confident you are so I'm wondering if confidence provokes idiots like them.

You Are a Super Flirt

You love to flirt, so much so that it gets you in trouble.

In almost any situation, you find yourself flirting - even when it's inappropriate.

You tend to embrace all flirting styles too.. from coy to sexy to playful to serious.

And if someone flirts back, you'll crank it up even more!

Okaaay.I think I got this answer cuz I said I'd flirt anywhere.Oh wait,I do flirt like crap if I choose to.Thankfully,I choose not to in school.I have enough retards doing unwanted shits already.

Men See You As Desirable

Men often find you immediately attractive and sensual

You're honesty is refreshingly beautiful ... it draws guys in

You are also able to be open with your feelings with no emotional baggage

Packing light means you enjoy new relationships easily


I know what you're thinking.Why the hell am I taking all these weird tests?Well,I'm lazy to explain now but I was just talking to my friends about those leprechauns.So yeah,I need to find my answers.So far,I'm not counting on these.

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal

You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing.

You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere.

And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.

You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about.

You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.

Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else

You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly

Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

I wonder if it's true.That's good to know if it is^^Know what?Come to think of it,I do know people who'd agree with this.

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.

Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few


Your Power Color Is Magenta

At Your Highest:

You energize yourself and push others to succeed.

At Your Lowest:

You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.

In Love:

You are surprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.

How You're Attractive:

Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.

Your Eternal Question:

"What is my next source of inspiration?"

Totally true!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A cry for help

Posted by Hui Min at 7:52 AM 0 comments

Mmmhhmmm.I need help.I need help with my blog.Notice the horrible layout and the fact that all my shits are down there???Yeah.HELP.Hui Min and Technology.U-huh,they don't go together very well^^

So yeah,anyone.Puh-lease,anyone.HELP ME WITH MY LAYOUT.The normal template will do but I just need to move everything up there.Heck,I still haven't even got the hang on typing.I find it so hard to do tags cuz I need to paste verything in Microsoft Word and paste it again.

Oh yeah,and there's also the links.I have no idea how to link people and when they get a new url,I have no idea how to change their link.Sucks.All my links are done by Timothy Lim and so is my mp3 thingy down there.I have no idea how I'm suppposed to feel when a guy tells me my mp3 player is cute.I didn't pick it!I wouldn't have picked something so...skull-y.Then again,that guy must've just wanted me to feel good.Yup,definitely.I guess I'm not the only one who has a Bachelors Degree in The Art of Flattering People.Damn,I'm so perasan XD

One more thing,my blardy chat box is down there so most people can't see it.Anyone who is willing to help this pitiful creature over here,do drop a comment in the chat box^^


Hack into my account if you wish.I know damn a lot of you know my password.At least ten.You know who you are*winks*I gave you my password cuz I trust you have integrity.I think another reason for the constant hacking is because my passwords are far too easy.My handphone number/my house number/My ic number/my birthday/123456789.You do the guessing.

HELP ME MAAAAAAAN.Add me at please help me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Study Group

Posted by Hui Min at 3:58 AM 0 comments
Study groups.Whether they work out or not, it's in your hands.

Had one today.Sucked like crap compared to last week.I wonder if it's because this time I didn't say to myself,'This weekend is gonna be a productive weekend!''Seriously,I like yelled it out many times last week and for the first time ever,my study group actually worked out(but that was last week).We actually studied but most importantly,we absorbed shits.I was honestly damn happy with last week.It was like my second one and the first one was like horrible.When you place Yau in a house with a textbook AND a puppy.Yeah,havoc.

I shall list out some theories about why today was so fustrating and sucky.Oh yeah,last weeks one had me,Jarrod,Kadri and Jeremy.This week was minus Kadri.I know ,I'm such a pimp.
Now,for my theories.

1.When I arrived,Jeremy was there and he was studying Chinese so I decided to study history but like after a while,he was like I'm going to study somewhere else so I ended up studying alone which is very wrong for a study group.

Lesson learnt:When in a study group,try to make everyone study the same chapter and subject so that you can test each other.It really works.And, never leave your partner alone and walk away like that.Everyone will be studying different stuff and there's no point of a study group since you're already alone.

2.We studied history last week for hours.We're studying history again.It got damn boring and we just gave up.GAVE UP.I know!How could we?????

Lesson learnt:Always try to make study groups a little funner(?) by lets say,studying a new subject we're more familiar with.When you study form 1 history,you'll be like ''Aww man,I don't remember anything.Now I have to start all over again.''And yet,we kept pushing ourselves.It just got so boring,we gave up.But,after awhile,me and Jarrod joined the Hei Zel/Grace study group.We studied Science and it actually worked out.Probably cuz we're learning it right now.

3.I brought my camera with a picture of flies having sex.Talk about fly porn.

Lesson learnt:Never bring cameras.BIG distraction.

Tips on making a good study group.

1.Bring food to reward yourselves after a hard day's work.

2.Punish yourselves by isolating yourselves if you think your study group is not productive.During isolation,study.When you think you've studied enough,go back to test each other.

3.ALWAYS study the same chapter and subject.At least two of you.And if you're 5 pages ahead,wait for your partner or ask her/him to punish her/himself.That person must've been talking a lot to be that slow.

4.If you find it easier to study something you're learning right now,study it but just make sure everyone agrees.Remember,everyone MUST study the same thing.

5.Do not have any means of distractions such as puppies and cameras.

The word 'study group' doesn't have a definition.Everyone has a different,maybe same definition for it.Some people think study group means getting a few friends and all of you sit down and study and when you study,most of you study according to your weak subjects which are mostly different.Those people use study grouping to their own benefit by forcing themselves to sit down and study.You see,some of us can't sit down so having our friends around is kinda like forcing ourselves to study but after awhile,it fails cuz you just get so bored.

My definition is getting everyone to share their knowledge by testing each other out and all that shits.That's the point of saying ''two heads are better than one''.You think together.

Okay done.I hope we have another one next week but I doubt so since this week was such a failure.I really do hope those guys will read this so that we can all correct ourselves and continue this every-week-study-group thing.



Friday, April 25, 2008

When Smiling Attacks

Posted by Hui Min at 12:22 AM 0 comments
My god ,wadda day.Smiley has been my friend ever since as long as I can remember.I feel that when I give my Smiley to people ,thay give theirs back and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.It's a good feeling yo.*slaps face for saying yo*


Smiley got me in trouble today!!!!I was just giving Pn. Aminah binti Ismail my Smiley and then she goes all angry and makes me stand in front of the class.I honestly don't remember when was the last time I got punished.Like wtf man.Seriously,she literally made me stand in front for smiling.I know,I know.Now I bet you people are laughing your asses of and going all ''HAHAHAHA!!!!PADAN MUKA!Bloody ass,you smile so much it ticks me off.That idiotic smile,those braces that blind my eyes!Ugh!Seriously ,I'm so happy you finally got it back.''

Yes.Padan muka.

I learnt my lesson today.

Never smile when a teacher is in a bad mood/PMS-ing.

Okay,that isn't the complete version of the story.Definitely didn't add anything but I did take some stuff away XD.

Today started off like normal.Study,lepak,talk.Then,duing Science period,I realized I lost/left my Purple Book at home.I still haven't found it.Asked Matthew,my partner whether he took it,no.F man.Soooooo.Like the noble person I am, puhrahsan peice of shit XD I told Pn Aminah I left it at home but nooooooooo,she decided to ignore me.So,I shared book with Matthew and went into goody-goody mode.Helping him with his homework what not.Mind you,we're in the animal topic now and I'm like No.1 Animal Fan.Just for our info,did you know that there are snakes that give birth to live young?And,did you know that a platypus is a mammal?It lays eggs the size of marbles and has mammary glands fo the babies to suckle on to.Aanother thing,did you know the capybara is the biggest rodent in the world?One more thing,did you know echidnas lay eggs?

Back to the story,teacher was in a very bad mood cuz Hei Zel and Grace kept on getting caught for 'talking' so yeah,teach was in a baaaaaaaad mood.And then,she came to my place.

Pn Bignose:Hui Min,mana buku?

Hui Min:Eheh..tinggal kat rumah...Hey,I'm only human.We're bound to forget stuff at times.

Pn Bignose:Okay,u diri kat tempat u.Nasib baik I buat u diri kat tempat u.You rarely make people stand up for leaving their books in the first place.

Hui Min:*Does the Yau Factor*Exactly what I did,I mumbled ''yay'' and clapped my hands without making any sounds.In fact,my hand gesture was barely noticable.Note,Yau Factor is when I go all happy.See,it's a Yau Factor if you know what I mean.

Pn Bignose:Kenapa u tepuk tangaaaan????I memang geram sekarang.Kenapa u tepuk tangan???Pergi diri kat depan.

Hui Min:*Goes in front while trying to stop smiling*My god that was damn hard cuz like everyone was laughing with/at me.Damn you JJ and Kadri,it was frickin' hard.

Another scene...

Pn Bignose:Siape punye koko kad kat sini?U tak nak,I buang.Oh!Rupe-rupenye ,Kadri Nizam.Kadri,I demerit u sebab u buang sampahOnly you think it's rubbish.It's his koko card for god's sake!Who'd throw their koko card away??.You sudah Form 2,tau???U patut tau mane nak buang sampah!Amboi,buat saye geram je!

Warning!If you hate info about animals,go away!You've been warned.

Conversation between Xian and me while we were doing our Science h/w.

Xian:Hey Yau,does a fog carry out internal or external fertilization?


Xian:I don't understand.How???

Me:The eggs our out of the body and the sperm goes into the egg.External.

Xian:I don't understand how???So the sperm goes into the egg?

Me:Yessssssssss.The the sexual intercourse(?) happens outside the body so its externaaaal.

Xian:I don't understand.How do you know all this?Doesn't the frog have sex or something?

Me:Yes and it's called mating.It's a term for animal sex.

Xian:I still don't understand.Then why isn't it called internal fertilization?

Me:*sigh*Because.When the frogs mate,they don't exactly 'connect'.They just stimulate each other.

Xian:I don't understand.Doesn't the male frog help the female lay eggs?Doesn't the male like climb on the female?

Me:In a way,yes.It does help by stimulating the female.It does climb on the female but there's no 'connection' at all.It just like ahem vibrates the female's 'sensitive' part to stimulate her to lay eggs for the male.By connection,I mean snake go into hole for some of you who really don't get it.

Xian:I don't understand.How do you know all this???

Me:Animal Planet!

Xian:I don't understand.I watch it too!I personally think she doesn't watch it everyday.She seems too misinformed for someone whom watches animal planet or she was just playing dumb.More to the doesn't watch everyday.Yup,Xian isn't playing dumb type.Though,the way she described watching it was like she liked it a lot.I'm still waiting for the day when I find someone as passionate as me about animals.

Me:But,do you watch as much as me?

Xian:I dunno!I like-I like watching the ten show.Ten show?Yup,I think she doesn't watch Animal Planet everyday.

Me:You mean The Most Extreme?Good! Keep watching re-runs.Watched almost everything already.The show is damn nice.

Okay,I forgot everything else.There's nothing else anyways.

To Xian,I felt excited when you were all ''I watch Animal Planet too!'' but you sure don't know a lot.No effence,ya XD?Honesty is the best policy and uh..the truth hurts?

I love you Xian no,this isn't an insult in any way^^I just got so excited.Sorry,animal freak.

Toodles ~!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm bored again.I think I'lll never end up oding my MYMUN post.

Posted by Hui Min at 7:02 AM 0 comments
1. happiness
2. A good job in the future
3. Great friends.Wait,I already have them XD
4. A scholarship
5. To be with my friends forever.Oh how cheesy.

No one^^I forgot where I found this and I was bored.I’m going to put Timothy Lim over here.

1. Midget
2. Favourite topic when making a conversation with me,people.
3. likes marching when he walks
4. You need to be his friend for him to be nice to you.

Talk to me.Seriously,he’s really smart so I enjoy his conversations at times.

What colourful language!

Like OMG man.I’ll probably reject him.No offence ,Tim XD.

1.Jarrod Joshua
2. Abigail Choong
3. Kadri Nizam
4. Hui Li
5. Xian Ting
6. Timothy Lim
7. Jeffrey
8. Marcus Lim
9.Soo Yin
10. Jeremy

I know majority of you don't have blogs but I don't give a damn man.

Hmmm…no one that I know of.

She might like someone^^But hey,I can’t say for sure.

MY GOD.Jarrod,you need to see this.

Due to unspecified complications,I let you be the judge^^

How to be gangstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =D

An hour ago.

Nope,we’re all students^^

TONS of pet sis and bros but no cousins or siblings,I think.

Hhhhmmm…this is hard.I’m form 2,he’s form 5.The age gap is a turn off.I would look so..desperate if I were to woo him but he’s definitely my type of guy.What a shame that there aren’t any other guys in my form like him.

DUH!Gabrielle Choong.5 this year.Effin cute^^

I’ve known her since she was born.We’re cousins for god’s sake.

Err..I won’t be answering that.She can answer that.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder^^

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The light..

Posted by Hui Min at 3:42 AM 0 comments
I came out of the hole today.I'm basking in the light right now.It feels great.I didn't expect this number of people to come and help me.They all came together and worked together to help me.They cared for me.I am not alone.I am happy now^^I fear if I'll fall into the hole again.I hope it won't happen anytime soon...

Okay,I shall now talk like a normal person.

Damn,there were hell lotta people crying in class today.All because of me. Yes,me alone.No!I did not friggin' get a fit and like go around punching people.

Came to school like usual.Being emo and all in the morning.Oh yeah fyi,to everyone,when you see me smiling with my mouth closed.I always show my teeth..There's something wrong.I memang have been depressed for very long cuz I've been sorta anti-social.Yes,Yau Hui Min can be anti-social.She's been doing it for a month.The day before I was already crying so when Kadri asked if I was okay yeah,the water works came in but I just brushed it off and told him I was fine.

During English period,we had Essay Writing Competition.Yaaay.Guess what title I picked?DEPRESSION.So predictable right?Yeah,wrote 5 pages long(exercise book size).I wrote it diary style.Not the common once upon a time that most people picked or like some karangan fakta.Then,when we finished,went for stupid ceremah about pooburtie.After ceramah,they specially called all 2 Matahari girls to the office.Keng Han's dad was there.I honestly think I've done Keng Han some justice.I won't say any further.

During dunno what subject,Cheryl asked me howI felt when I was depressed.To my ears,I somehow thought she had a hint of sarcasm to it and beofre that I heard her mumbling about how I exagerate and how she's having depression.I just felt very irritated by that statement.I couldn't help myself.How does she know she's really been through depression?How does she really know how I feel?How does she know what I've really been going through?Who is she to say I've been exagerating?So,crying three times a day five times a week isn't depression?Well then,I really do wonder why I cried so frequently.Bottomline,overwhelmed by all those feelings yeah,cried.

Cousin got really angry.She was like''Great,you ruined all my hard work.Do you have any idea how long it took me to make her happy again?''Yeah,a long time.You see,when a depressed person thinks about this kinda stuff,yeah,just thinking about it brings back all the bad memories and makes them cry.I honestly do pity Bee.Cheryl is heartless at times.She kept on asking me how it felt being depressed.I can safely say it was at least 4 or more and when I turned back to answer,I just kept crying more and more.I told them it was because I was lonely and Cheryl never got it.I don't understand how hard it is to understand the word lonely.She just kept on aking and asking.Asshole made me cry.This must've angered Bee like shit cuz after that for the whole two BM periods all I did was cry and hide behind the newspaper.Oh yeah,cousin started vrying cuz I cried.Girls do it a lot,crying cuz they see people cry.

Second BM period,Jarrod found me crying so he asked me what's wrong.I just didn't reply and I didn't want to face him.I somehow felt ashamed.I knew he knew and he knew I knew but obviously you wouldn't want to see your friend sobbing uncontrolably like that.Anyway,I didn't want to face him.I didn't want to face anyone.I didn't want to tell him my problem.I kept saying I'm 'fine' but deep down,he knew I wasn't.He told me repeatedly to like counter my statement.He said,''Yau,you are not fine.''Thank you for telling me that Jarrod. I now realize it's no use lying to myself.It'll only make matters worse.At that time,it was only me and cousin crying.I decided to tell my story.The ''hole and light'' version.Wait,''Holie Light sounds better.''

He started crying too.Jarrod,my friend started crying.I was wondering why.I asked cousin and cousin said he cried cuz she cried.Now I know why he cried but I won't say anything.I found out like half hour ago.Anyway,I continued my story.He was half standing next to me trying hard to make out my words.Thank god he could get through my sobb-y story.I couldn't speak properly.The three of us just stayed there listening to my story,crying.Oh yeah,poor Bee,Jarrod and me cried or emo-ed for the next hour and a half.I EFFIN' LOVE YOU GUYS.

After that ,I realized Christine was crying,then Xian,then Soo Yin,then Siew Jun,Hui Li(?),Rou En(?).Damn that was a lot of water works.I honestly don't know why they cried.maybe it was because everyone was crying.Opening up,it felt good.But then,Cheryl started yeling at me and crying at the same time.Like why was I calling her a bitch why was I making everyone hate her?Well,as you can see,I never blamed her.I'm only blaming myself for being so lonely,so anti-social and as for eveyone hating her,wall,did everyone even hate her?As for the me calling her gang wolf part(it's somewhere down there),I depicted her as the wolf bacuse i couldn't come in contact with her.It wasn't safe for me.Not because I hated her.Bottomline,everything's solved now.She crried cuz she feared she would lose Christine.How stupid.Oh yeah,Kadri made a Perjanjian Persahabatan for me and Cheryl.Very cute Kadri,very cute.

After all the water works,wait,it didn't really end,anyway.Jarrod gave me a hug,a good long one at that.It made me feel cared for.It made me feel like I had not been forgotten.That I had a friend who had always been there for me.Oh yeah,cousin gave me hugs too.Damn,I love my cousin so much*tears*.



Jarrod:Remember,I'll always be there for you.No matter what,I'll try my best to always be there when you need me.

Hui Min:I'm fine.

Jarrod:No,Yau,you're not fine.

Hui Min:I'm fine!

Jarrod:No, you're not.When Yau smiles with her mouth closed,there's something wrong with her or when she's crying and she can't smile at all,there is seriously something wrong.

Jarrod:Another thing that really irritates me is when Yau doessn't smile.It just feels so weird.


Jarrod:Yau,you are my priority.


Shit,she said this so long ago.I hope I get them right.

Abigail:Don't cry ,Yau.For some reason,when she says it,it really has meaning to it cuz she's always been there for me.And when I say that I mean literally always.14 years to be exact.

Dang,the problem with her advices are they're damn lond so I can't remember.


Oh!oh!oh!Now I remember

It's all in the form of Fruits Basket!

Let your support become my courage.My all time favourite.I tell you,there's a lot more but I just can't remember.That series has been a main contributor to my happiness.

Gawd,I'm hating myself so bad for not remembering.


Yup,another one.

Jeremy:I'll always be thre for you.Don't cry ,Yau.Smile^^

He brings more meaning to his words because he understands what I'm going through.He really has offered his help whenever possible but I always understood he had his own priorities.Good friend^^Good,good friend.I too wish the best for him.

I just wanna say THANK YOU,ALL of you.

When I say all,I mean everyone.All of you that have been supporting me today.Soo Yin,Siew Jun,Hui Li,Rou En.Thank you for all your letters.I will cherish them.Dang,I wish I can scan them but my sis is next to me right now.

One last thing,a lot of people were sad/crying.I wondered why.Here are my guesses and some people told me anyways.

1.It's a girl thing.When we see people cry,we cry too.

2.It's just such a pityful sight,no?Yau is so sad and pathetic.We should all cry for her.

3.Poeple are finally feeling the pain again of being alone.All their memories flood back into their minds.The feeling of loneliness.We've all been through that.Quite a number of us never admit it but at one point,w e used to go home crying cuz we had no friends.

4.They were angry at themselves for not taking care of me.

Oh,oh,oh.One last thing.Jarrod told me he was just listening to this song.It makes me wanna cry.

I'll Stand By You-Carrie Underwood

Oh,why you look so sad?

Tears are in your eyes,

Come on and come to me now,

Don't be ashamed to cry......

Let me come along 'cause I've seen the dark side too.

Ok tired.One more thing,I'm serious this time.To those who have been lonely or are lonely,you feel like yoi've lost all your friends,no?It's very fustrating cuz you have no one to talk to and you blame yourself.It's okay.You're not alone.Open up,you'll learn that there are people out there hwo will care for you and that times like this will always pass.It's just a matter of time.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

12 00 A.M.

Posted by Hui Min at 8:51 AM 0 comments
I think I feel better now^^.

Surround yourself with only those who can lift you higher.-Oprah Winfrey

An Emo Post.

Posted by Hui Min at 6:00 AM 0 comments

Yes,this is a rare sight.In fact,it's rare to see me upset for so long.I heard that posting comforts the soul.It's like opening up.Well,I hope it works.I am crying as I am typing this.I wonder if there are names for emo people...emo junkie?

Anyway,back to the point.I shall express my feelings in hope that I shall feel better.Heck,if I do feel any better,I'll be damn happy.Being emo for like a month,yeah,you get contented very easily.

Today,if any of you saw me crying and I like told everyone ''My hamster died.'' and then I'll turn to Jarrod,''My hamster died,right???''.Jarrod will in turn say ''Yes,your hamster died.''He's like the best friend ever.Covering up for me and all.I wish he was a girl.We would make the best of friends.In fact,Jarrod just needs to be interested in clothes and I'll definitely make him become my girlfriend.

Well,guess what??My hamster DIDN'T die.Heck,I don't even have one to begin with.I have a feeling everybody knew that already,though.


To the form 3/4/5 people,I'm sure you saw nothing amiss.Happy,happy,hyper Hui Min.Jumping aound like normal.Yup,very normal but I bet you people haven't noticed the mask covering my face.Yup,I'm very good at hiding my feeling when times are dire.Maybe that's why I'm feeling so depressed.Cuz I find it so hard to open up....

I've been in this deep,dark hole for a month now.I fell into it.I've never been here before.I see the light from above.I try to reach it but to no avail.I keep trying but I keep slipping back down again.It's very fustrating.It's dark and lonely down here.I've been crying day after day but no one can hear me.I want to go up.I want to see the light again.Just seeing it gives me hope.Hope that there'll be another tomorrow.I keep hoping because you never know what'll happen tomorrow.Maybe fate will take a turn.Maybe life will be easier tomorrow.

Again I wish I can go up to see the light.I need help.I need my friends.I have my friends.An Indian,three Chinese boys and a Chinese girl.They've all tried to pull me up before.The Chinese boy was the first.He understands how I feel.He's been in and out of the hole too.He said,''Don't cry.I'll be there for you.''I said the same thing back to him.He gave me his hand and tried to get me out of the hole.Then,three wolves came beside him.They were his friends but they would eat me.We went our seperate ways for both our sakes.

The second was an Indian boy.He was my best friend.We always looked out for each other and we've gone through thick and thin.He's always been there for me no matter what.He too reached out for me.He tried with all his might.He couldn't pull me up.He was too weak.He had already used up his energy on his other friends.Until now,he has still been holding my hand,trying to get me out of there.

The third was a Chinese girl,my cousin.We've known each other for more than a decade.We understand each other more than anyone else in the world does.She brought a rope with her in hope that she will fair better than the other two.She threw down the rope.I caught it.She pulled me up.I could see the light.It was getting brighter.I was in there for two weeks.Seeig the light,it made me happy again.I thought I had lost that feeling.Having felt it again,there are no words that can describe my feelings.But then,I saw her face.She was struggling to pull me out.She found it the most strainous to pull me up out of the three.How could I be so selfish to someone who cares for me so much?I told her,''I'm going to let go.I cannot depend on you alone.It is unfair to you.''

I do not regret letting go of the rope.In my heart, I feel happy and sad at the same time.Happy that released the burden she was holding on to.I have eased her pain now.And sad that I have fell into the hole again.I am alone again in the deep dark hole. The light is fading away...I hope someone will pull me out of here soon.It is lonely in here....

I shall rehat in the library tomorrow.I'm that pathetic and it'll be much easier.I don't want to burden my friends.

I dunno whats it called.Glossary?Index?

hole-The hole is depression to me.So yeah,falling back into the hole is falling back into depression.

the light-I imagine,up there,people playing around and having fun with their friends.Yes,that's what I want.

P.S-Oh yeah,mymun part 2 will be up tmr.I'd rather do this emo post.Wow,this has helped me.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 4:55 AM 0 comments
I WAS BORED. Getting usb wire tomorrow,seriously.

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 92%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Very High

You go beyond being a "people person." Connecting with people is the most important thing in your life.

You're empathetic, friendly, and outgoing. You are the kind of friend people dream of having.

Your interpersonal intelligence is a gift. And you use it well.

You Are 8% Emo

You're the furthest thing from emo. Sensitivity is not something you exactly cultivate... and you can't imagine weeping over song lyrics.

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around

Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want

You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back

Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!

You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds

Your Personality is Very Rare (ENTJ)

Your personality type is energetic, romantic, optimistic, and brave.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 5% of all men

You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.

Hmmm...I normally get ENFP.Oh well,it's rare^^I'm different.

Your EQ is 167

Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

Seriously though, your whole "Don't Worry, Be Happy" philosophy is really what defines emotional intelligence.

You're warm, open, and very optimistic. You know how to act appropriately, even if you don't feel like it.

You are a good communicator, and you have little difficulty with personal relationships - even when you're dealing with difficult people.

In general, you are successful, capable, together person. You get what you want out of life.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

At home on a Monday

Posted by Hui Min at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Yes,I am sick and it's 8 am.Feeling very weak and tired right now.Ohohohoh,and I lost my voice.

I LOST MY VOICE.I,Yau Hui Min have lost my voice.

How possible is that???

The girl who goes around yelling with her loud ''man voice'' as I may call it.Yeah,she lost her voice!It's not like I was yelling while debating or anything.My beloved voice just didn't come out this morning.I was totally fine last night.Wait,I did notice something.When I tried screaming for Jarrod when he got Most Improved,only air came out.And as I can see,it has become much worse.


And we have choral speaking today.Fuck it man and I was the one telling people to not boycott.Now,I'm the one not coming.

Oh yeah,one more thing.

I changed my blog layout and now everything's really retarded.Notice all the stuff down there?

One more thing.


Some idiot has been hacking into my account and changing the url to Notice the missing double 'r'?Now anyone that've linked me will like realize my blog doesn't exist.Madre!

Jarrod's brother,Jordan Jethro helped me out yesterday to correct the url but now it's like this again.I don't know if this is bloggers fault or someone has been hacking into my acc.Wait,there are people hacking into my acc.Damn a lot of people know my p/w.It's friggin easy and I told hem anyway.Gah.*slaps face*

Edit:I forgot to mention why I got sick.Anyway,I shall now do so.On Sunday,woke up at 6 am,showered,went to school for MYMUN.Was in a rush so didn't eat breakfast.Debate,debate,debate.Received title.Lunch.Didn't eat lunch cuz

1.It's rice.People with braces don't go with rice when you're in public.

2.It had onions.

3.It looked gross.

So yeah,thought it was a small matter cuz we're going home after lunch but that's what I thought.In the end,we like stayed back in BU4 for damn long cuz me,JJ and Yie Hong were like lepaking around.That was until 3.Went to church(I'm not Christian)with Bee till 5.Forgot that I haven't eaten the whole day.Ate a packet of oreos(That was at 5)Went home at 5 something.Fell asleep.Ate dinner at 7.So yeah,as you can see,I barely ate.


Posted by Hui Min at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Yup,title says it all.


Okay,I shall now talk abt my three days in MYMUN(don't mind me if I brag.)

A little elaboration abt what we Mymuners do.

Malaysian Model United Nations(MyMun)Notice the 'Model'?That means we're debating UN style.

Our purpose.

To write our own resolution(resolutions are like lists of solutions to resolve an issue)that will resolve the matter of,for example but not limited to,The measure to improve the rights of the Tibetans.In resolutions,there are lists of solutions.Those are called clauses.Clauses in a resolution will sometimes have loopholes(Loopholes are errors in a clause that will not resolve the issue).Thus,we have amendments(notice the word mend?It's like fixing.Yeah,fix.)We make amendments to improve resolutions to their best conditions.Now,Point Of Informaiton.It can be used to question people when you think their information is wrong so like yeah,to point out their mistakes.At the end of the debate after it is corrected to it's full potential,the reso is voted upon whether to pass or fail.

My country.

First Day,

Good,good.Our resolution was so good that it was barely debatable.We debate to correct it and it was obviously too good to correct.I loved our gangs reso^^

Second Day,

As reported in MyMun newspaper,''Measures to improve the rights of the Tibetans were touched upon equally,the latter caused quite a stir among the delegates.IN FACT,AT ONE POINT ITALY VERBALLY ATTACKED CHINA,EXPRESSING HER SUPPORT FOR THE DALAI LAMA.Mmmhhmm,Italy,that was me.I wonder if I can scan the newspaper...

Me:As stated in clause 3,''Decides to invite the Dalai Lama back to China with open arms''.Sure,China will let the Dalai Lama come back but what about the Panchen Lama?The second most important spiritual leader to the Tibetans.Does the delegate of China agree with the delegate of Italy that China deliberately abducted the Panchen Lama(he's just 6.Now,17) and his holiness' family .His Holiness has not been found hitherto.Thus,the delegate of Italy would like to know whether China will release the 11th Panchen Lama with his family.

China:*Speechless for awhile*The delegate of China would like to state that there has been no solid evidence that the Panchen Lama has been captured by the Chinese government.

Italy:*makes sarcastic snicker,no,I didn't overdo it*Is the delegate of China aware that this fact s stated in www.phayul .com. and various other sources media sources.So is this considered not solid proof?This shows that the delegate of China hasn't been doing a proper research.

China*feels insulted*Well,the delegate of China feels that medias are constantly bias towards this issue.Therefore,this fact is most likely exaggerated.

-ten minutes later during break time-

Chair:Hey Italy,what you said abt the Panchen Lama was rlly cool abt him getting abducted and all.

Me:I know^^They also went and replaced their spiritual leader with some other guy.That was against Tibet's wishes therefore it was against religious rights.

Bottomline,Italy won cuz China insulted the chair and her facts were wrong in the first place.

POIed a lot.I just love pointting out mistakes.

Third day,

Debated on two resos.POIed people like shit again.Thus,Making their amendments fail so yeah they became wary of me because of that.Then,people started coming up to me to read their amendments and asked me to correct their amendments for them.There were like 4 coming up to me at once.

Me:*tells them abt how it's vague/ambiguous and questionableHey,Slovakia,why are you asking me to correct your amendment(It was kinda stupid in the first place so I did correct it)

Slovakia:Because,I don't want you to POI me later.You're like one of those people who always like pointing out mistakes.

Me:Oooohhh...really?That's nice to know^^

Damn,that felt good.

Later that day,

We went to the auditorium for the closing ceremony(I forgot to state that the opening one was damn chio).In the closing ceremony,the chairs of each committee will award three people from each committee which consists of about 20 people on average with three coveted awards.


(This delegate has contributed the most enthusiasm in the debate and is very passionate about learning)


(This delegate has shown respect for other members of the floor)



(This delegate has shown most outstanding improvement throughout this period of three days.)

So we're all ushered into the auditorium to like see the prize giving ceremony.

Jarrod's committee was up first,(Mind you,his speeches are damn chio)General Assembly 1st committee.

They announced the three most outstanding delegates in their committee

Most Passionate-Not him

Most Diplomatic-Not him

Most Improved-HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Expected him to get Most Diplomatic,honestly speaking.But oh well,I wasn't allowed to see his debate anyways.I had my own.

Next up was mine(I tell ya,I sincerely felt happy for Jarrod when he won but I was worried I wouldn't get anything.I'd feel sad.)

I was shockingly very calm as though I didn't care if I would get an award or not but deep down,I knew I would feel friggin' sad.

Most Passionate-MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMEMEMEMEMEME!YES!ME,YAU HUI MIN a/p Yau Kok Fai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleventy-one111111111!!!!111111

Most Diplomatic-Panama(I don't understand why she won.I thought it would be Sierra Leone but then again,he attacked just as much as me.In panama's case,she talked damn little compared to me.Usually most diplomatic is people that talk a lot.I think she won cuz she wasn't as sarcastic as me,China and Sierra Leone.Heck,even China would've faired better.Wait,I hate China.She fakes her facts and it's not even convincing.)

Most improved-Sierra Leone-I tell you,I was damn shocked.I srsly expected him to get most diplomatic.Oh well,maybe it's because he insults people directly.People in the UN odn't do that cuz it may cause a controversy.

All in all,well,what you reap is what you sow.

I really do believe in Marcus' saying ''There's No Failure,Only Learning Experiences.

Last year,I'll admit that I only went up twice in three days.Why?Because I wasn't well informed about the procedure of the debate because of a certain someone and I feel I didn't do enough research.To me,that was failure.

But now,I have taken it as a learning experience.There's also the saying that ''You can learn something from anything. Even if u won, or lost, There is always something to learn.''Again,taken from Marcus.I really do believe in this.I might have 'won'' this year but I'm sure I still learned many new things that didn't know about before this.

Okay,I'm tired now.

My humblest apologies for any grammar mistakes.I am mentally tired now so I can't think straight.

Wake up at 6 in the morning and sleep at 12 am,three days in a row.I've been doing it.Yes,we all commonly do it on school nights but what do you do in the afternoon?Entertainment?Tv?Gaming?That relaxes your mind.We debate for six hours straight.In fact,we constantly think.Even during lunch hour.Thinking what we should say and what not.We barely even have enough time to eat.And 6 hours of grueling thinking,yeah,it hurts the brain so we're mentally tired cuz our mind never rests.





Tgged by Marcus

Posted by Hui Min at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1. What's your favorite anime at the present time?
Fruits Basket!!!

2. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have?
I would like the ability to fly and read minds(Hhhmmm..I think this kinda reflects on a person’s persona.I’m very sensitive towards what others think abt me so I’d like to read my minds to know if I’m doing anything wrong)

3. What do you think of your brother(s)/sister(s)?
I LOVE MY SISTER.She’s great in so many ways that I think there aren’t enough adjectives in the world to describe her^^

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Probably England but right now,Mont Kiara International School

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Yesterday it was to win Most Passionate Delegate of General Assembly 3rd committee.Since that has come true,getting straight for PMR will do for now.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Are you telling me that my eyes have been deceiving me my entire life?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
My family…

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Save it for my further education and save half of it for my parents.My siblings can earn their own money.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Normally,no and it’s not like I can use such a powerful word at such a young age.I don’t believe in the existence of love at our age.

10. List out 4 good points of the person who tagged you.
1. Berwibawa
2. Nice person to talk to which I rarely find cuz the way I think is just very different.
3. Social butterfly.
4.Master Of The Law Of Attraction.

12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
People who think I can’t survive out there in the corporate world cuz I believe I can.

13. What is your ambition?
Partner in a law firm /politician/a person that’s happy and contented.

14. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
I rather they point it out so I can correct my flaw.

15. What do you think is the most important in your life?

16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Think so XD

17. What is the thing that you really want now?
For my parents to accept me for who I really am and to become less hyper.

18. Why does it hurt when you punch someone?
Cuz I have a conscience.

19. Is there anything that you have done which you regret?
We learn from them,don’t we?

20.Do you have friends who you know will always be there for you?
Yes and I am thankful for that.Life would be pointless without them,girls and guys.

I tag : Timothy Lim if he hasn’t answered this.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

BAH!! Tagged again D: (updating)

Posted by Hui Min at 6:04 AM 0 comments


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Abi here! :D

Posted by Hui Min at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Once again, yours truly is hereee and posting for Yau :D Cause i'm supersupersuper bored...Anyway, tagged by Li Yen ^^

*List out 5 presents you wish for:

1) I want Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn to suddenly fall on my head now (so I can read it before you people XD)
2) Handphoneee, mines jakun-ted
3) Apple pie :D
5) The will to actually do this survey properly >__________<

The person who tagged you:
Li Yen

*Your first 5 impressions of them:
1.) Smart (well, who else won't put this first) -.-"
2.) Smart
3.) Smart
4.) Smart
5.) Smart (sry D: I can't think straight. FORGIVE MEEEEE *sigh*)

The most memorable thing they have done/given to you:
Hmmm...oh oh, painted the clay caterpillar for our science project un-cacatly. Trust me, mine was ten times horrifingly ugly!!

If he/she becomes your lover, you two will:
When pigs fly -__________________________________- Who comes up with these wacko questions anyway?

If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be because:
No reason :) She's nice and friendly

People you tag:
1.) Bored person
2.) An okama
3.) Crazy bored person
4.) uhm...a hispanic dude
5.) OH!! I TAG YOU YAU!!! XD

Who is number 3 having a relationship with?
Another crazy bored person, i guess...

Who is number 5 having a relationship with?
She's restraining herself ^^

If number 2 and number 3 got together, would it be a good thing?
An okama with a crazy bored person...hmmm, disaster perhapes :D

What about number 4 and number 5?
Yau with a hispanic dude...might happen

What is number 3 studying?
If crazy bored person happens to study in Malaysia, it'll definately be BM ._.

When was the last time you chatted with number 5?
Exactly 3 hours and 43 minutes ago (someone entertain me please...this is boring >.<)

Does number 4 work?

Would you be with number 1?

How about number 5?
-insert most OBVIOUS answer here- NO. fullstop.

Does number 2 have any siblings?

How did you get to know number 2 and number 4?
I MADE THEM UP :O Shock Horror!!

Where does number 1 live at?
A place.

Is number 3 the sexiest person in the world?

GAHHHH!!!! that's it! no more friggin retarded survey ever again!!! Anyway, for those sadcase people out there who haven't read Twilight yet, GO FRIGGIN READ IT!!! It's verry good :D *thumbs up* Yeah, yeah I know what you people who have already read this book are thinking...Abi is so slow -.-" (yea, I noe i'm slow)

Bye-bye :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Yau got taggered by Tim.

Posted by Hui Min at 7:26 AM 0 comments

First Name – Hui Min
Nickname – Yau,Huey Min,Hao Min,Bitch and Hamie.
Name you wish you had – I’d like Bob^^
What do people normally mistake your name as – Huey Min
Birthday – 25th February 1994
Birthplace – Subang Hospital
Time of Birth – 3 a.m.
Zodiac sign - Pisces

-Your Appearence-

How tall are you – 167 cm
Wish you were taller – Yeah.I wanna be 170 cm.Not satisfied.
Eye color - dark brown
Eye color you want – a lighter brown would be nice^^
Natural Hair color – Black with some copper and platinum blond.I know,I have weird hair.I seriously didn’t do anything to it.
Current Hair color - same
Short or long hair - short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre colour – streaked it with pink when I was 9.Stupid idea.
Glasses or contacts - glasses
Do you wear make-up – Nope.Only for events.
Ever had hair extensions – Hell no.People go bald cuz of it.
Paint your nails –When I’m bored^^

-In the opposite gender-

What color eyes - It doesn't matter.All that matters is how sexy looking their eyes are XD
Shy or Outgoing - Outgoing!8D
Looks or Personality – Can I have both?
Sexy or Cute - Bothhhhhhhh
Serious or Fun – I’d like a good mix.
Older or Younger than you – Younger by maximum 10 months.
A turn on – That sexy smile,those toned muscles,that husky voice and those beautiful eyes.OHOHOH!That incredible personality!
A turn off – Smoker,short,lancee,stupid.Okay,I know I’m insulting but I just cannot jive with well,stupid people…I’m sure you’d know if you’re stupid.

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolates - Chocolate
Pepsi or Coke – Neither.Haven’t been drinking them for 6 years now.
Rap or Rock – More to rock^^
Relationship or One night stand – Relationship!Like duh!
School or Work -Work
Love or Money – I LOVE MONEY.Chio onot???
Movies or Music - Both =)
Country or City – Country life would be nice once in a while^^
Friends or family – I can’t survive without either.

-Have you ever-

Lied – If you say you haven’t then you just did.
Stole something – Yeah!Just two days ago!A handful of shiny blue rocks from a flower pot!XD
Smoked – Never did,never will.
Hurt someone close to you -Family/friendship wise, yes.
Broke someone's heart – Yeah….
Had your heart broken – Nope!^^I’m so lucky but it’s only a matter of time,no?
Wondered what was wrong with you – Always did and still do.
Wish you were a prince/princess - …and end up getting killed cuz of those paparazzi bastards?Heck no!
Liked someone who was taken – Nope^^
Shaved your head – HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE YOU SEEN GO BALD??Britney’s not counted.She’s ‘tarded.
Been in love – Not to the extent of love.Definitely no.
Used chopsticks –I’m not very good at it……


Flower –hibiscus,tulips,lavenders and water lilies
Candy - Marshmallows
Song – Changes from time to time.Though,the ones I never get tired of are the classical opera/instrumental ones.
Color – Blue/Green/Brown.
Movies – Lord Of The Rings trilogy,Narnia,A Walk To Remember,Water Horse,27 Dresses.Loads more.
Singer –Damn a lot.
Word – lol/toilet/F U penguin/huhuhuhuhu
Junk food – Cheesy wedges
Website -
Location – Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Tokyo/Arao
Ever cried over someone – terms of crush,nope.In terms of relatives/mother,yeah.
Do you think you're attractive – Maaaaaybe,maybe not^^ Well,at times I think I’m ugly.I have low self-esteem so cheer me up as a friend^^
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose –I’d like to be a magical unicorn…..
Do you play any sports – Talking,Running,Swimming.Not much.I was fat as you can see.So yeah,trying to build up my stamina.Mah main goal.

The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people.simple.
1. I have low self-esteem.Used to be really high.
2. Short-term memory lost.
3. Very,very hyper.
4. I love talking.
5. I’m optimistic in life despite my extremely low self-esteem.
6. I like meeting new people^^
7. I love it when I make people laugh.The sound of laughter,it’s addictive^^
8. I cry very easily.
9.Am I fat?

I tag........
1. Him
4. Them
5. The Duke Of Peking
6. Your dog.
7. My cat.
8. The toilet seat.

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