Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Someone special^^...and b00bs.

Posted by Hui Min at 7:32 AM
Who could it be?
It's time to guess for you and me,
We need someone but never fear-o!
It looks like a job for a Higglytown hero!
A Higglytown heroooooooooo!
I'm a Higglytown hero ,bold and good,
I help the town just like I should,
So work real hard and you will see,
That you can be a herooooo
Just like me!
A hero just like me!

Oh yeah,here's your more frequent update,Jarrod.

Sorry,I wanted the title to start out with ''someone special'' and this song suddenly popped into my head XD(You'd know it if you watch Playhouse Disney). And so did the first season pokemon theme song....

Strike that.

I have a personality disorder so yeah,forgive me.

Soooooo it was someone's birthday........a few days ago!!!!!

But it's not just anyone.



Hhhhmmm...I'm gonna start out with how I first met her since I tend to have vivid memories of the first time I meet my friends.Ooohhh...but strangers would find this boring.Scroll down strangers,you'll find something more interesting.Skip everything in peach.

For people I know,

It was the first day of school and God it was freakin' boring.I was the only one from a KL malay school comin' over here and thankful I was finally done with all those gedik Malay girls.Not to say Malay girls are gedik,just the ones in my old school,most of 'em.

Bored,bored,bored,bored,bored and then we had to change places.Tall go behind,short front,the usual.I got this girl,a tall girl just like me as my partner.She looked...dead and then I was like shit,not another shy one.Noooooo.So I said hi in a really friendly hyper way and she said hi just like I did.From then on I knew I had found my new best friend!

Too bad we got in trouble a lot...(last year)

Regret what I've done in the past but oh well,the past is the past.

Recently someone asked me why am I still friends with her since she's caused me so much trouble.

Well,I replied like this ,''You see my dear,I am really difficult to please.I hate speaking on msn and smsing cuz I can't express myself well on these.I like talking in person much better(You get to see my facial expressions 8D).Random people add me and try to talk to me but I get bored really easily.Only few have been able to hold long conversations with me and those I see as special(so far,no random person has done it before so I'm waiting for that special person.As for ppl I know,ONLY 2 and they're both guys -_-).Like I said,I'm difficult to amuse so when I find someone I try to not let go of them.Carpe diem! To seize the moment,to take quick action when oppurtunity strikes.Lol as for her flaws, like they say,The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.She may be the biggest asshole(to some) but she's still my asshole.It's really our choice to look past their flaws and admire their talents instead.I don't expect my friends to be impeccable.They're only human.''

Said something like that and this is also directed to some Form 3/4/5 students.I know some of you have been asking behind my back but ...I don't give a damn^^

Okay,enough shit talk.Now for something funny that happened during our outing on Christine's birthday!

While aimlessly walking around OU,we were approached by some lady,petite in size.

She handed me this.Wait,she handed the four of us this.Me,Bee,Cheryl and Christine.

Wah,bitch! You calling me fat ah?!?!?! Mother%^&$#*,IMMA GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN!


We didn't have the time to think about anything

She just went on jibber-jabbering....

~Pink is for stuff spoken verbally
*is for actions

Lady:Um,hello,this is a special package that we don't normally give customers.You four are special so I am giving you this.*big enthusiastic smile*

Us:0.0.....*continue staring at lady*

Lady:*opens leaflet*

Lady:There, this is a completely free treatment special for you.You can either go for the FREE Bust Firming Treatment or the FREE Full Body Slimming Treatment.I tell you ah,the bust firiming is more worth it because it is worth RM 350 and it is free for first time customers only.Com-plete-ly FREE.

What did you say?

*replays ladies voice in my head*

So bitch,first you call me fat and now you call me flat??FLAT?!?!?!

Sorry,I know it's blur.Just bear with me,please?My goddamn phone won't do this pic any justice.Camera USB cable gone missing...I know,why didn't you scan it?Well,Windows Vista does not permit me to do so >:(

Back to story.

By then,I was amused by the ladies enthusiasm and charisma trying to convince us to go so I continued listening to her.So much hope in her eyes...it would be a sin to upset the cute 'lil lady..hahaha.Kudos to you lady,you're the first salesperson to get me to listen for more than 10 seconds.What a cili padi.

Okay fine,I was also amused by the thought of finding the best time to tell her my ahem...age(if ya get what I mean).I think she didn't know our age...couldn't guess,at least.With me and Christine standing at around 5'6 ,I guess we don't exactly look our age...hehehe the perks of being tall^^Btw,that lady is around 5 feet tall so that's what I mean when I say petite.

Lady:This bust firming treatment is very good for your bust,you know?It will make it perkier and firmer.Got nice feel leh.*explains some stuff about how it works*

HAHAHAHA! What a fascinating lady!I went along playing the game with her since it was so fun!

Us:*all listen intently to her rambling about her 'awesome' treatment*(nah,I don't think she's a phony.Bizzy Body is pretty established)

Me:So,where is your shop?Do you have one here in One Utama?I think I might go. (playing along IS fun^^)

Lady:Oh sorry ah miss,One Utama don't have.*flips leaflet to the back*We have one in the Damansara Utama area.We're just promoting in One Utama.When you go there,you just need to present this leaflet at the counter and they will give you a free treatment.Go before expiry date ah.

Us:*all start giggling and snickering like crap*

I think we all started giggling cuz of my intention and the lady is just really naive...XD

Okay,now was the best time to give it to her.

Me:Hey,lady can you guess my age?

Lady:You ah?Umm...*gives a very confident tone* 20!

Us:*all burst out laughing again* HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Me:HAHHAHAHA..*wipes tear*Okay,why don't you guess my other friends ages.

I thought she would give a different answer since Abigail and Cheryl looked more their age. And well,I was laughing.Must've gave me away...

Lady:Hah?*Hui Li style.Sorry,inside joke*Oh them ah?Aaaahhh...you all friend-friend,right?So you all oso 2o lah!(She really looked so sincere when she told us our age!Didn't seem like she was trying to flatter us at all..)

Looks like I stand corrected.She is dumber than I thought.But I like her!

Me:Okay then.Get this,I'm 14 and so are they!*biggrinbiggrinbiggrin*

Lady:HAH?!?!?!?!REALLY AHHH???How come you all so big one?

Me:Umm.....drink lots of milk!And skipping rope!

Me:Hhhmmm... I think we can't go cuz we're underage and our mothers probably wouldn't let....

Lady:Noooo,this treatment got no age-limit wan.Besides,make you look nicer horh?

Wow,she still tries.Some old lady(20 something) persuading young teenagers into getting boob enhancements...tsktsktsk.It's bad enough that it's considered taboo to most in our country but puh-lease,we're only FOURTEEN.Now I really think her mother dropped her when she was a baby or something...

My dears,if Bizzy Body continued preying on innocent teenagers like us I'm sure they'll be like a catalyst to get girls to reach 2nd base(guys groping our boobs) by the age of 15.Lol what with Asians being smaller in size.Most of us would probably be too 'small' even if there were some bold ones out there to try.So yeah,them making our buns bigger would be such a self-esteem boost which is..bad.

*PUN INTENDED*Don't wanna get sued.I'll just admit this to clear things up.The lady made an accident,it wasn't her fault that our towering heights fooled her.Not that we wanted to fool her in the first place.She came to us first.

Fyi, 1st base-kissing, 2nd base-boob groping ,3rd base-sex.(This is from Princess Diaries,kay?I'm not some psycho perv going around the net searching for sexual terms)

Catalyst is like something that makes things speed up.Americans do 2nd base by that age and Malaysia isn't very far behind.Okay, maybe we are but it's still just a matter of time.My depiction of Bizzy Body as a catalyst,PUN IN-TEN-DED.

Again,back to story.

Me:Err...I still think our moms wouldn't let and how would we get transport anyway...

Lady:Cheeeehh..donneed to tell your mathers lah!This one ah,you just keep quiet and pretend to go to friend house la.Then you all pakat go together^^

She never gives up.Too optimistic.

Cheryl:Hhhmmm....yeah!Maybe I should get a boob job.(Cheryl joined in the fun!)

Lady:Yeaaaah!*points at Cheryl's boobs*People like you ah,very good go for this kinda thing wan.


Lol like I said, when it comes to this lady,she's too cute and tiny to reject.

Me:Okay then,I think we'll all go.Thank you very much,lady.

Yup,we gave in.

Lady:Okay,before you leave ah,can I get your names and numbers to inform you of our further promotions?

All:Sure^^ *we all end up writing*

Damn,that lady is good!

But to me,it was just to make her satisfied and happy.Nothing like a job well done to make yourself happy ,right?You just convinced 4 of you supposedly hardest customers.

Soooo...after leaving that lady,I wonder what was on everyone's mind.. knowing that you were carrying such a thing with you in your purse..walking around OU...it was there...the leaflet in your purse..you ask yourself ''What will I do with it?''

I'm sure our minds wandered off to that lil' place a time or two.

''Should I go for the boob job?Maybe I could push my rep a little higher if I had bigger boobs...''

''Hhhmm...maybe I should give it to my mom...her boobs are getting a little saggy..''

''Ohohoh!The body slimming one sounds nice.I could do away with the baby fat I have around my thighs and my stomach..I just won't tell them...hehehehe''

''I think I'll go for both!I just won't tell my three friends...They'll think I'm a fake or something..''

''I think I won't do anything with this leaflet! I'll keep it and show it to the whole world through my blog!''

Haha..whatever was on our minds...I'd never know.It's for them to know and for me to find out!HAHAHAHA...'cept for the me part.I already know what I'm thinking anyway^^

Ooohhh...this post isn't too good.Kinda controversial...

Dunno,don't care!

Ohoh ,just to lighten things up,

Doing what us girls do best. ;D

From left,Cheryl,Christine,me .Cousin went home early...

Hey 2C and B ,the conversation up there might be a little off cuz I don't have good memory XD


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