I have the best-est friends ever.
I'll update when I'm fit enough,promise.
This will be short and snappy cuz the tube connected to my stomach is seriously damn itchy >:(
Anyway,back to why I have the best-est friends ever.
Just recently I've concluded that the amount of people who care for you really reflects back on how you've treated them as a friend and whatnot.So far,from what I've observed,I'm really happy with my friends and my life.I guess I'm not too bad after all.^^They seriously know how to make a sick person's day.
Who would actually get people to chip in and buy THIS for you on it's release date?
IT'S BREAKING DAWN YOOOO!*tries to jump around in glee but fails because of the bloody IV drip stabbed into her vein.
I know they would^^. Cuz they've done it for me anyways.Yup,that's how good my friends are.I OWE YOU PEOPLE.(btw,I might return it back to you guys.I am not worthy.)
Ohohoh,did I mention I have the greatest cousin ever?She made a gigantic card for me and got tons of people to sign it.Wait,no she mainly contributed but Jarrod,Christine and Cheryl helped too.Unfortunately,it's too big therefore I shall not be able to scan it.Boohoo.
Okay,I'm getting really tired so I'm just gonna say thank you to a number of people whom have not forgotten about me in my absence.
Jarrod,Cousin,Christine,Cheryl,Hui Li,Rou En,Siew Jun,Timothy Lim,Zhou Ling,Xin Ling and Soo Yin,a million thank yous for visiting me on Monday and sorry for shooting your asses with my gun XD
Cousin,Christine,Cheryl,Siew Jun(?),Soo Yin(?) and Mr.Joshua,I loved your cards like my undying love for peanuts.(Sorry if I made any mistakes.Mother stole the cards and hid them far,far away and well,I can't move....)
Thank you,Cray-yon for making my name famous on your blog.HAHAHAHA..syok sendiri.Rittie,Kadri,Dinesh,Beatrice and Xin Ning for not forgetting me ;)
Last but not least,all the well-wishers on my big black card.
Hmmm...I 'think' that's about it.Remember,I'm delusional so I don't think right..
If you cared about me,I'm sure you've already seen me mention you.I really do cherish my friends with all my heart no matter how cheesy this sounds.I hear there's such thing as unconditional love,I wonder if there's such thing as unconditional friendship.
P/S-If I didn't mention your name,feel free to drop a message in my cbox.
Hui Min signing out from room 317,D.S.H.
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