Friday, March 28, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 2:52 AM
Yes,this friggin' mdget just made my day.

I love him so much.

I have a feeling not many people will notice the change in layout cuz my blog is still very new but anyway,I frggin' love my layout.

Hmmmmm...I wonder.

What if my layout distracts people when they read my blog?

I know it distracts me for sure.I just can't keep my eyes of that cute little thang!

Anyway,this impossible feat(In my case.I'm not good with technology.) was accomplished by none other than

*opens mouth*

*inhales air*

*exhales air*

*inhales air*

*exhales air*

*inhales air*

Breathing is good^^.

Kay nuff of that.

















Isn't he friggin cute?????
No!Not that idiot with saggy boobs.
That cute lil' midget^^
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH as a friend.
Why I love Timothy Lim as a friend
1.He's tech-savvy.Unlike me so I rely o him a lot.
2.When I'm bored,I find it very easy to talk to him cuz we somehow think the same(I rarely find people who think like me.For example,Jarrod Joshua)What can I say?Great minds think alike.Damn,I'm so perasan XD.
2.He is not Timothy Wong.God,I hate that ass for spreading fake rumors about me.
3.I can go around talking/pinching him as much as I want cuz people will never think I have a crush on him.
4.He is damn chio leh!
5.He is effin cute.I just love his red cheeks,porcelain-fair skin and oh-so-cute lips!
Once again,
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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