Saturday, March 22, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 2:31 AM
You Are 3: The Achiever

You're confident and competent - with a lot of energy.
Eager to reach your goals, you are ambitious and competitive.

You are good at motivating yourself and motivating others.
You're also a charmer, with a great sense of humor.

At Your Best: You are kind, confident, and completely authentic. You are witty and full of life.

At Your Worst: You are insecure, narcissistic, and jealous.

Your Fixation: Vanity

Your Primary Fear: Being worthless.

Your Primary Desire: To be important and valuable.

Other Number 3's: Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Madonna, and Shania Twain.

damn this is so true^^

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