Monday, March 31, 2008

Choral Speaking

Posted by Hui Min at 2:45 AM
Barely studied today but I'm dead tired for some reason.I think it's due the the friggin' choral speaking.

Heard some girl who was yelling like a man?Yeah,that was me.Practiced choral speaking at the tempat rehat today.Damn,it was hectic.Now I know how teachers feel when they try to teach us whentheir number is like 1 to 45.I tell ya,it's hard work.Imagine your one,little puny voice against 44 moronic students.Okay,not moronic,noisy.So yeah practiced.I tell you ah,if you see us during English Week,don't laugh.Our f*cking teacher,Pn.Jothi is damn unreasonable.She gaves us a script one week before language week and when we saw it we we're like die liao.This script sucks like shit.So,went home,went online o search for a script.Found a good one and here we are practicing in such a short time.

In primary,I remember practicing 5 hours a day,missing all classes,everyday for 1 month.We were so good that we got 3rd in Wilayah.Chio onot?

Now,we have 30 minutes a day.Two weeks.4 pages.Die.Cannot remember then how?BLAME TEACHER!

Kadri gave a suggestion that might actually work.

Kadri:Hey Yau,why don't we paste our scripts on our friends back since we can't hold it!

Me:OMG!You're actually right!*laflaflaflaf like shit*Pffft.Kai wan siao ah?

Kadri:Know what?Bad idea.We won't look at the audience.They'll think they look so ugly that we can't even face them.That's rude.


FYI,I'm a banana so don't mind my horrible Chinese.

My throat hurts....


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