Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shevel's Birthday! And Rou En too!

Posted by Hui Min at 4:28 AM

I know,I'm late as usual.

But let's just get on with it.


Last week was Cheryl and Rou En's birthday!

I'm gonna start in alphabetical order.

B for Bitch.
Sexy body shot!

Cheryl Anne always sits like a man.

Pn.Gan used to go around saying ''I'll shoot you with a rubber band the next time I see that something of yours.''So yeah,that' how we know she always does it and well,we memang see it everyday.The 'Genius' claims it's super comfortable.I beg to differ.

Cheryl is so hot.Doesn't everything get better when I'm the one taking the picture and editing it?hahaha...syok sendiri...

Kay,enough unglam pictures,more talking!

Cheryl Anne Lee May Lyn,born 5th September 1994.You're always full of surprises and never cease to amuse me.I really,really love it when you do something dumb and end up making me laugh till my face turns red.

Did you know that 80% of the time,you can't hear me laugh because my most frequent laugh is my trademark laugh?Yup,the laugh-with-no-voice laugh/red face laugh/laugh-till-cannot-stand-up laugh.Yeah I tend to laugh so hard,no air goes in so no sound comes out.

Upper formers don't see this cuz I feel inferior to them and try to act normal.Yes,it's against my values but *sigh*it's called for.What with the bad behavior I had last year.I can never get myself to act normal in front of upper formers matter who they are...

Back to Cheryl Anne!

Anyways,thank you, Cheryl for all the red face laughs.I seriously appreciate you as a friend cuz well, behind all those jibber-jabbers,there's always a pearl of wisdom.Did I ever tell you I look up to you cuz you aim high?I love your attitude cuz you're just like me,always aiming for the best and to be the best.

Good luck on your orchestra and franchise of international hospitals by the age of 30.Cheryl wants a personal orchestra in her house like how Princess Mia from Princess Diaries had one in her ball.

Cheryl, I you.

See,speciaaaaaal,Cheryl!Special!It blinks!

Okay,now for our OU outing!

Note,if the following pictures seem a tad bit blur or retarded to you,it's because I didn't take or upload them.Yes,I would've made 'em better and bigger.

We ate at T.G.I FRIDAYS.

And because we're so smart,we picked the best way of ordering ever!

We picked every dish that had a picture on the menu and chose to share everything so we could have more variety.Well,appetizers only cuz the appetizers alone are freakin' big.It's not a very good idea to have one whole meal to yourself cuz what if it's not good?At least when you're sharing you're also sharing your shitty food.

Sharing is caring^^

And boy was it the best choice ever.

Some Mexican pizza.Simply scrumptious!My fav of the bunch,loved it to bits.The inside had some fat-ish tasting cheese that melts in your mouth and the layer outside is really crunchy.Oh and the zesty sweet brown sauce made a great finishing touch.

Sauce goooooooooooooooooooood.
Mac & cheese in a bread crumb ball.Not to say there was anything special but still enjoyable.I think probably the presentation was what made it special.

Triple Platter.I personally think it's better at Chilies.The cheese sticks are hollow so I stuffed all three dressings into the stick.Tasted good^^

After awhile,we got bored so we held a lala competition!

Get ready you lala nOObs!

Me first!

''What does this button do?Ugh!Stupid technology....''

Strike a pose!

You suck.I win,hands down.

After that,walked around taking pictures. Why does my torso look so long...legs so short...

Oh yeah,I just realized that fat photo of me was actually only 2 years ago.It was taken in 2006.It's just such a self-esteem booster knowing that all the hard work really paid off and I didn't even need to starve myself.2 years,10 kg...feels good^^

Forever 21!

I'm not posting any of the pictures where I changed into F21 clothes cuz someone keeps making me look like a slut and she won't upload other photos like she promised.No,I did not deliberately pull down my sleeve/push down my tube or pose in such a slutty manner.It was all unintentional and without my knowledge(her taking the pictures).

My legs look short up there.'Specially my thighs.They look better here^^Sorry,vain pot.

Ohohoh!After that,we met Daniel Lee and Jaclyn Victor,the past two Malaysian Idol winners!He managed to make me look super fat but that's because he's super skinny and super short.I spotted Jaclyn Victor first cuz Jaclyn sorta looks like Deborah Priya Henry from far but I saw this lala boy standing next to her and I was like OMG!!!!!

I asked for a picture and they said only one cuz they were about to do a photoshoot.Like omg...we're such lucky asses^^

Me:Omg!!Daniel Lee!!I used to be such a big fan of you when I was 11.I like spent 30 bucks each time I voted for you!!!

Both of them:0.O??? 11???? How old are you now?

Me:*starts counting fingers*Um...

Sorry,I was sorta hyperventilating at that time cuz he smelled good.Couldn't think.So that's how it feels to be starstruck...

Christine:Yau,you're 14!

Me:Oh um...yeah!I'm 14 this year.

Both of them:=O!

Gawd...why is it so hard to believe I'm 14...

Ahhh Daniel Lee's voice is seriously damn nice when he talks...

Next person!

Lee Rou En,Happy Birthday!

My photography skills are impeccable!All of you must bow down to me!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!*pun intended*

Hey Rou En,I hope you like the flashing bunny I bought you.Whenever you receive a phone call,it'll flash so shield your eyes.

Hui Li gang,here's a coloured version of the pic up there.I was looking through my documents and I accidentally found it and.Oh how happy I am!I absolutely love the picture^^

Dang,blogger won't let me upload any pictures!


So tired.....dangit,now I'll be craping a lot cuz I can't think straight when I'm tired....


I discovered something new on blogger!
It's called following blogs!
First,ya go to your dashboard.
Then,ya scroll down and you'll find something called Reading List.
Click the add button and type in '''' like so.

Now you get to see whenever I update my blog!

Well,that's as long as you add me.

So what are you waiting for?

Go add me!

Ever wondered how a strawberry-mochi looks like?Well, feast your eyes on this!

Yeah,I know,it's not very spectacular.

Hey,did anyone ever notice how I keep wearing the white wedges?

Just a short story about myself.

I have men-sized feet,as big as my dad's and he's 5'9....I have no idea where I got my big feet from but they're freakin' annoying!Sure,the size is usually the last to run out of stock but my problem is that most of the times,I can't even fit into a size 9!Which is unfortunately...the biggest.I do find my shoes but I end up outgrowing them within a month.I think I have at least 8-10 pairs where I've outgrown them within a month....

I tell you ar,some of you people are so freakin' lucky that you're 7s and 6s.It may be the most common size in Malaysia and most likely to run out of stock first but at least it's easy for you to find something that fits you,right?

I quote Soo Yin,''Envy nia!''

Does anyone know where to buy big shoes? Especially size 10 Nike women shoes.Their biggest is 9.

I only have one really reliable pair which is my white wedges.Perfect cuz it has a little height and because it's a slipper,I don't outgrow them easily.

*sigh*I want big shoes shoe shop.....

Then again....

''I had the blues because I had not shoes until upon the street,I met a man with no feet..''-Forgot who


''Contentment starts with grateful hearts''-A cross stitch picture on my wall made by Mother

When you're grateful and contented with what you have,your heart will be at ease because you're concentrating on what you have and not on what you don't have.Now that's where true happiness comes from.I've learned a lot from those two quotes and I shall forever live by them^^

Someone told me long ago that people with big feet signified something...I never found out and I forgot who told me that....I wonder....oh well..

Lotsa !

EDIT: Adding a few pictures I missed out.

Yau sign.Okay fine,f u sign.

Yau clap.

Yau point.

Clockwise from left,Soo Yin,Hui Li,Siew Jun,Rou En,Zhou Ling And Xin ling

Dangit....I can't tell which is which cuz I can't see the colour of their glasses...

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