Friday, June 6, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 12:24 AM
Ohohoh,before I mention anything.Let me correct my quote.

It’s-If I wanted to LISTEN to an asshole,I’d rather fart myself.

No wonder it sounded so wrong…XD

Taggered by no one^^

I just had to do this tag!

Name 5 Friends Of The Opposite Sex.
-how old are they?
-where are they currently?
-How long have you known them?
-tag 15 people.

1) Mallek Aminullah bin. something
-A mansion in some kawasan terpencil
-11 years.Kindie yoooo

2) Kadri bin Mohammad Nizam
-7 ½ years.We go back to primary
-He likes tilting his head to the right.I think it suits him;D

3) Jeremy Tang Zhan Cheng
-Bandar Utama?
-1 year 5 months

4) Timothy Lim Yu Li!
-BU something,I think.Everyone lives in BU^^
-6 months and still counting:D
-Has sexy lips.

5)Jarrod Joshua Kumaraguru
-14.Asshole is 50 days older.Hmph!
-BU6/3,am I right?And there’s metal wall blocking his house.
-1 year 5 months ^^
-Bradre from anadre madre.

(Randomly pick..)

Would You Rather...

*Party with (1-Mallek) or (5-Jarrod)?
This isn’t tough at all.Jarrod.

*Marry (2-Kadri) or (4-Timothy)
Haha Kadri.I’m sorry Midget,you’re too young*winks*

*Make out with (3-Jeremy) or (5-Jarrod)?
I pick…number 3.Nope,no doubt about it.The last people I wanna kiss are Mallek and Jarrod.One will be like kissing some clueless ass that I sorta dislike (Mallek) and the other will be like kissing my brother(Jarrod).Thinking of it is just so wrong D< *Date (1-Mallek) or (2-Kadri)?
I’d pick the more good-looking one or maybe the one that’s not a hobo.Wait,they still end up becoming the same person.*smacks head*You know which one I’d choose anyway. *points up to show the person I wouldn't choose*

* Kill(1- Mallek) or (3-Jeremy)?
Definitely 1 but if I had a choice,I would kill neither. 3 Is too good a friend to kill and well,killing baaaaaaad.

*Cuddle with (2-Kadri) or (5-Jarrod)?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.*points up again*Friend or brother….hhmmm…you know my answer.

*Have kids with (3-Jeremy) or (4-Timothy)?
And end up having midget babies???????? Puh-lease,I want to continue the Yau legacy of having tall off-spring.I’d go for the 5’8 one.

*Live with (1-Mallek) or (3-Jeremy)?
Easy.I’d obviously pick the hotter and more conciderate one.

*Be stuck on an island with (2-Kadri) or (5-Jarrod)?
Hmmmm...endless conversations or the singer?...Now the question is who makes me feel safer and not get bored easily.Jarrod!I may not like his singing but he sure makes good company^^

*Have (3-Jeremy) ever hurt you?
Physically,no.Mentally,no.Jeremy’s a good boy^^

*Have you ever hurt (4-Timothy)?
I hope not….

*Who is the funniest?
Kadri and Jarrod,yup,equally funny.

*Can you beat up (5-Jarrod)?
Just play fight but I’d never dream of hurting him…

* When is the last time you saw (2-Kadri)?
7 days ago.

* Who's the smartest?
Academics,my form…hahaha shockingly Jeremy.Form 1 goes to Timothy hands-down.Wait,Tim beats the Form 2s too.

*How long have you known (5-Jarrod)?
1 year and 5 months but it seems like years^^

* Who is (3- Jeremy) dating/crushing on?
Celestine?I wonder if I’m supposed to say this but people have eyes anyway.Sorry Jeremy,I’ll take this down if you wish.

++Who Has The Better..

Hmmm…This is hard.Two have perfect smiles.One has oh-so-sexy luscious lips.I’ll name them.Jeremy and Kadri get perfect smile.Timothy has perfect teeth and the best lips I’ve ever seen.The tone is just so…there isn’t an adjective out there that can decribe them.I wish I had lipstick in that colour.It just goes so well with his complexion.Though,not to say the best smile.It's too cheeky.Wait,that came out wrong.

Kadri-Bashful smile(Fyi,that doesn't mean that smile you give when you're gonna bash people up)
Jeremy-Sly/cheeky smile and yet it suits him.
Timothy-suits his cute China boy look but not the best.

Oh,oh another guy with the best smile ever is Siva from 2 Siantan.His teeth is just so white against his skin and well,I’ll give him friendliest smile.They all have straight teeth,okay?

Hmmm…retarded packs,fat,lanky but not too bad,fat& cute andddddd lanky.This is hard.Note,this is according to their numbers.

Can I pick Siva/Dwayne/Marwan?:D

Jeremy.Wait,Timothy is freakin’ cute!*thinks*Jeremy still wins.


KADRI!He can hum sweet nothings into my ear anytime he wants:)
Wait,Midget has a very cute voice!It's just so tiny and cute!Kadri wins.

This is hard.I don’t like the way rich ass Mallek dresses.Jeremy.

I tag...

Hei Zel
Hui Li
Rou En
Timothy Lim
Hhhmmm...I'm lazy to type.

I’ll post Camerons part 2 when I feel like it and I promise it’ll be better.Oh yeah,to Joyce, I’ll do your tag when I feel like it’s ‘me-time’.Right now, I think it’s ‘friend-time’.^^

To COUSIN,Gawdddddddddd,I miss you so much!Dear readers,fyi,she's in New Zealand.5 km away from Antarctica.No,that is not a cicada!I googleed them up.They're normally yellow,brown or blue :S

I even have have the pokemon version of it!

Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?Fly.Looks nothing like what I found.Oh yeah,this is Shedinja.It doesn't have 'mon' behind its name cuz those are only for Digimons.

Edit 1:I edited some stuff cuz I noticed some mistakes*smack head*I was tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

Update: Timothy Lim The Midget called me Horny Bugger! Know what? I like that name! Sorta looks like that bug Pokemon up there cuz it's a bug and it has horns ^^ Cept' the fact that it has a moon for a horn :( Wait,or is that a halo with a gap in the middle?A halo is the thing angels have on top of their heads.I know that cuz I have one on top of my head XD

Hmmmm....I need to grow horns soon^^

Just so you know cuz I know some of you are sorta ignorant to some stuff.I was only playing around with Midget.Though,I really do like his lip colour and complexion ;D


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