Hugs. I wish we hugged more in Malaysia.
I think we're too conservative.
If we were to hug a friend out of the blue, we'd received unwelcoming stares that go... O.O
Isn't that hurtful and sad? =(
I think we lack that human touch.
The human touch which calms, reassures, connects, sparks feelings, invites security, shows we care and most importantly, shows we love.
When you give a hug, you...
...calm the incoherent and bring them back to the world of coherence
"There,there...it's okay.I'm here for you."
...reassure the questioning heart
Let's face it, sometimes we need reassurance to calm our worrying minds.We question if that dude still wants to be friends with me after our fight or if our parents still care about us.A simple hug would send those worries apacking.
...connect with the people around you.
Not only does communication come in the form of speech,it also comes in the form of body language.Just a simple pat on the shoulder could send millions of types of messages.It could mean "Hi there,buddy ol' pal!" or "I care about you.What's wrong?" See?You don't even need to open your mouth. Imagine what full-on body contact could do!
...might gain yourself a new girl or guy and you don't even feel awkward cuz you believe in hugging people openly and you're not afraid to show it=D (We gotta admit,in Malaysia, people would normally go "What? Hug? Ermmm.. okay.." if a hug were to be proposed.How sad.)Ahh...imagine if everyone were to be open. Free hugs galore!
...could reign in all that insecurity in your friend, tie it up, and help your friend throw it away.
You restore security in them.They feel safe, protected because they feel your pressence more than ever when being hugged.Your hug is the biggest reassurrance you could ever give them to prove that you are there for them and that nothing more can go wrong. A blind man isn't able to distinguish an apple from a bunch of pears with a mere touch with the tip of his finger.However, he 'sees' the apple once he gently cradles the fruits in his palm one by one.
...show your concern over someone.
You show your concern to give them the gift of happiness, vanquish all misery and warm the cold out of their nervous, jittery fingers.
....show you loveeeeee
I don't even need to elaborate on that."Love!Love!Love!Makes the world go round!"-Bubbles from Powahpuffgurls.
So give a hug today.It could be anyone.Even me.^^Hugs are welcomed as long as you aren't stickeh or smelleh XD
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