Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tale of The Insomniac.

Posted by Hui Min at 2:27 AM 0 comments
10:35...1:32...3:14..5:23..."WAKE UP!!WAKE UP!!!", shrieked the alarm clock.Her vision blurred as she tried to contain the tears welling up in her eyes but to no avail.She reluctantly let them roll down her cheeks, drenching her face in the process.Frustrated and yearning to see her friends at school,she buried her face in her palms , hoping that memories of her sleepless nights and school-les days would disappear and become just a nightmare of the past.She cursed under her breath and hissed," There goes another day at school."


I haven't been sleeping well for the past 4 days.Everyday my alarm rings at 6 A.M. and I proceed to punch my pillow mercilessly because I realize I didn't sleep through the night and I will be too tired to go to school=( I don't know if it's insomnia or what but it's definitely taking a toll on my immune system. My hands are freezing in the afternoon(12 PM!!!) and I'm giving out cold sweat in broad daylight.

Yesterday I was delighted at the prospect of sleeping through the night because Mother agreed to give me sleeping pills but alas, this morning, to my disdain, I found out I'm immune to sleeping pills.To make matters worse, I hafta run for 400m finals today.WHOOPDEEDOO.

X gi skolah in the morning.In the afternoon, instead of going to the doctor's, I came to school to faint in the hot Sun =) Well,not literally.

Bee,Cheryl,Christine,Jarrod, Jeremy, I miss you guys terribly.I just feel so fustrated and angry at myself cuz I can't come to school to see you guys.Today when I came back to school for running, everything seemed so normal.How I wish I was a part of normal. I want to hug all of you but I have a feeling it's better I restrain myself from doing so.=/ Do you miss me? ='( I hate MSN so that's not counted.

Back to 400m! I fainted. After I finished la.Cuz I came to an abrupt stop after running like crap.

Wan Hong. Me

"*grabs my shoulder* Hui Min,you did blablabla =D...blablabalabla..Are you okay?"

"Huh? What? I'm good,I'm good. *falls backwards*"

Yup,I fainted at the end and had a few rare blackouts(doesn't normally happen!) while running =S but I sure felt good! 8D Cuz I knew I got a lot faster compared to last year by training 3 km everyday whenever the weather permits for a month.Chehwah, syok sendiri XD Still, pretty embarrassing how I got last.Oh well,all that training was definitely worth it^^

Oh yeah, thank you, Bonnie Ng Sze Min,Nat Khoo and Wan Hong for not letting me die =D I was very well taken care of by you luvly people.
Precautions I've Learned So I Won't Faint or Blackout While Running

  1. Stretch your legs before running so sprinting will feel more comfortable. If your buttocks hurt, STOP. You have over-stretched your muscles and risk pulling a muscle.
  2. Always try to get adequate sleep before a sports event.Not sleeping enough will weaken your body immune system like in my case.
  3. NEVER come to an abrupt stop after sprinting.Doing so will cause you to faint.Instead,gradually slow down your pace to a slow walk.
  4. NEVER sit down while your pulse is above 100 per minute.When someone faints like in my case, it's better to make them continue standing by supporting them .Sitting will cause them to faint AGAIN.
  5. Eat cuz eating is fun! 8D
School was so fun today cuz I actually got to BE in school.Of course, my buddies Jarrod and Christine are an added bonus^^Oh yeah, my pants got 'soiled' when I fell down while fainting if ya get what I mean ;D *sigh* but things took a turn for the worse(okay,exaggerated) when I came home.

Jun Min,my 10 year-old brother.Mother.Me

"MOOooOOOmm!Hui Min fainteeed today!"

"See la! Everyday don't wanna eat a balanced diet!That's why you're so weak! That's why you faint!You're such a problem child!Wanna sleep oso got problem!Such a problematic child!"

"That's not why i fainted!I fainted because I abruptly...."

"Eh,you stop denying la! You're just weak,okay? Stop giving your silly excuses!"
What a supportive mother.*sigh* Maybe she was in a bad mood.I'm gonna pretend she said this.

"Hams, it's okay that you lost.*pats my head* What's important is that we both know you worked very hard, right?Since the 1st place runner was only 2 metres ahead of you, you can always train everyday for the next 12 months.You've been training for the past month,what's another 12?Besides, this is 400m ,not difficult to catch up one.Try again next year, okay? =D"

Lastly,to Red House, I'm sorry for not winning and letting myself fall ill .I tried my best today.I just wasn't feeling well =/ I promise I'll get gold next year =)


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