Friday, July 25, 2008
I dislike Trojan.Hate is a strong word...but f@#$ is even stronger^^
Bloody Trojan decided to invade my comp and now all my stuff are gone!
ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor computer can't even power on now.To think it all happened in a matter of hours...just like that...poof!
Computer go bye-bye =(
To make matters worse,I have an appendix the size of a tennis ball(6 cm diameter) and I'll only be operating in like 3 months.Three months.Lazy to elaborate.I'll talk more when I actually think I'll be admitted.All I can say is that there's a lot of risk and I'm like a walking time bomb.I can die anytime now.Appendix just needs to burst again and enter my bloodstream so yeah,I'll be poisoned so I'll shrivel and die.
Ohohoh,no one believes I'm a chronic patient just cuz I seem so happy about life.Parents think I think the 'adrenaline' from making me a chronic patient is fun.Everyone's panicking around me and I just continue life as it was,hammering,sawing,jumping around,running and not forgetting smiling 8D.
Did I mention my appendix is very close to my ovaries so if it bursts,no more Mother's Day....
But I want my babies!
Anyways,typing on Mother's laptop right now so yeah,you get the point.Won't be going online for the time being and I don't get no inernet in the afternoon D=
MSN can't be used so contact me at
Ignore the Hamie,it was a childhood nickname by Mother.
EDIT:Like omg,I just realized I sound so un-Yau in maneh grammar mistakes =0 Oh well,lazy to edit.Got my new computer but it's so freakin' hard to use.Fine la,fine la, technology is never easy in my hands,I'll admit that.Butbutbut.I need time to recover all my old stuff :'(Stupidstupidstupidstupidstupid.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Yeah Baybeh!Say it with me!B-L-I-T-Z-E-R-Z Blitzerz!THE BEST TO BE!
That's it.
My blog has been invaded and insulted enough already.
CHEER 2008
Was saddening.
Blitzerz got 6th which is good but we didn't get Best Supporters for the first time ever!Bloody asses in green(Bukit Nanas school)stole our award....We cheered a lot more than them and they only started showing up on the second day.I'll never forgive them...ever.Christine cried when we lost.Sorry,you can't see her face cuz she didn't let me take pictures.Yup the Queen of B.D.H(Blitzerz DIE HARDS) cried this year.Look at her last year.
We were better than Xavier.Dunno how they got 5th.Their choreography was horrible.
- Why didn't Stunners All-Boys get Best Newcomers?They got 3rd place and they lost the award to some idiot team called Pirates
- Why did Pirates even get into top 15?Thunder was better than them.Wait no,better yet,why did they even get Best Newcomers?Stunners All-Boys obviously deserve it.They got THIRD for God's sake.
- Blitzerz supporters didn't win.Definitely bias judgment >:(
First Day.
Goofed around in the bus
Oh God ,why do my legs look like bottle legs in here?Must be bad angle.
Reached Bukit Jalil.
Bod.Bod.Bod.Bod.Bod.(bored in ''Yauish'')
Finally started at God knows what time and like during one of the fillers,Jien was like giving away free hugs to people in blue so me and Christine eagerly went down.Which girl wouldn't want a hug from Jien XD?Got our hugs and right when we were about to leave,Jien was like ''Hey,you just came here for hugs?Don't think you'll get away that easily.'' or something like that and both of were like shit.He asked the crowd what to do with us and Christine and I were like NOTHING!NOTHING!NOTHING!The idiot decided to make us dance and we were like f***.What to do?????????Music went on so we started dancing.I did what first popped into my mind.Crumping.(Saw it on ANTM few years back)Went back and felt damn stupid.Ppl were like calling me Yau and hitting my head with their pongbong sticks.Really felt stupid.Couldn't think for ages.
Horrible moment....Find me.
The Hobo.
Th following two pictures are freakishly blur so I won't be giving *you
people your Jien picture.Don't call me selfish.A nice picture for a nice picture.
Why can't Malaysians be as open as Americans?
Santwon Mccray
Michael Guillen
Serious Eye Candy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Check out Michael at the back.He did a routine in really tight red pants on the first day.Oh the eye candyyyyyyyy.*drools*
Damnit.I can't get a nice picture of the judges from Thestar cuz they 'lost' all their Cheer '08 files.
First day ended.Boarded bus.
Some were tired.
Some were not.
And some were just plain crazy,fighting.
Reached school.Bas lebai.
Got bod as usual.
So we camwhored!Da-yum,why do my legs always look weird?Shoes^^Clockwise:Cousin,Yau,JJ
Can you see it?Fight Buddie punched my mouth and I bleeded .BLEEEEEEEEEEEEDED!!!!*shakes your shoulders while staring at you like a maniac**hyperventilates*
Okeh.I'm tired.
Oh yeah,I almost fainted today while taking my blood test.
Doctor was drawing my blood and I just kept staring at the needle.Started feeling like I was gonna vomit and got tinnitus (ringing in the ear).Couldn't hear mother anymore and then after that I couldn't see her face.End of story.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Just a useless post.
Only Soo Yin will get this.
Hi! *inset smiley face+stickman* :D <-Ini SAYA.
Wow, Imagine. We have a stickman walking around school XD
Bee's note: An example of 'SAYA' can be found near the wall where I sit. Drawn by the previous student who sat there *AHEM AHEM cough* . Another one, can be found on the table behind me in marker pen.
I'm retarded. Must've got it from someone. Like I said, useless post. Just to fill Yau's blog with nonsensical nonsence :D
Saturday, July 12, 2008
O.O I still hate titles.
ARGH! My keyboard is being mean to me again. WHY? WHY? Must you treat me this way, after all the typing I did on youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Shit. I don't care about you anymore keyboard. Go be happy somewhere else. T.T
Okay. That was super-retarded, and honestly, I don't have a clue about what I wrote up there :D HOORAH.
Ah, while I'm here, I might as well do Soo Yin's tag. (Yau go ahead and re-do it, but I'm bored and have nothing to do. So I'll do it first.)
The rules:
1) Copy and paste this whole post.
2) Put in your own answers.
3) Tag 4 people
4) Tell that 4 people that they are tagged and ask them to do it too.Start!!
1) Do you like pizza?
Yeah. But, I like pie better :D And yes, I couldn't care less about how many calories there is in one slice of pizza.
2) Do you prefer green or blue?
3)Do you like homework?
*copies mallek and fails miserably* Hell no. But, I know a retard who complained to Pn. Hazura about 2 Matahari not having enough homework. RAWR!! I'll have my revenge on you. You better watch out. >:O
4) Do you prefer Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus or Jonas Brothers?
None. I hate both :D
5) Do you prefer school or tuition?
6) Do you like writing stories/comics?
Comics. Drawing is funnnnnnnn-uh :DD
7) Do you prefer Friendster or Facebook?
Friendster. I don't have a facebook. Imagine if I had more than one friend account. How would I EVER manage?! *look at the current state of my friendster, I left it in a corner, let it curl up and decompose.*
8) Do you prefer tv or computer?
Oh my, how to choose. But I guess I'd pick computer. You can still watch TV shows on the com :DD
9) Do you prefer Vanessa Hudgens or Ashley Tisdale?
Pfft. I don't like either of 'em. But since I'm forced to, I'll pick Ashley. BUTBUT, Cook always has my vote.
10) Do you prefer HSM or HSM 2?
I prefer PIE~ :D
4 PEOPLE. *dramatic sound effects* (if you don't get this, read the tag's instruction again. It said TAG 4 PEOPLE. Get it? I love loopholes :D)
Shun the non-beliver, Shunnnnnnn, Shunnnnnnnnnnn-aah
A picture of Yau before I go. (Friday's carwash~)
P.S. Try and guess what she's doing. Post your answers in the chatbox and the winner will get bragging rights. Lol.
Bee's happy note: Congrats to all the Blitzerz cheerleaders on making it to the top 15 :DD
Bee :D
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I *heart* PIE :DD
Yau's faithful readers...if she has any...wait, I suppose she does. Considering, bla bla bla stuff that's too long to list down and I'm lazy :P
OOOOOH. Let me tell you how this guy here *points below* got his name. Its really akward how he got his name.
Few days back,
Abi. Yau.
I have a new tortoise. For some random project thingamajic. What do I name it?? :DD
Um...OH!!! Commander Puddles XD
But I want it to have something to do with AI7. I was thinking Archie, but Archie's not my fav :D I want Cook!! Cookie. Cook. DC? hrm.
I dunno. But that's what I would name my tortoise.
Well, that makes sense. More masculine. *blabbers about anti-climax stuff*
On Hari Temu Mesra,
Abi. Christine.
I named my tortoise Commander Cook. Though Yau wanted Commander Puddles. XD
AWW, But Commander Puddles is soo CUTE :DD
But, I wanted Cook in it DD: Though it is cute.
Rename it Commander Puddles :D
Hrm...AHA!! Commander Puddles Cook!! :D What a name. Okay then...*goes back to sleep*
And so, Commander Puddles Cook is the name. Pretty lame, huh? :DD
He's pretty darn lazy. Wait no, HE'S DARN LAZY DD: I honestly think he's lazier than a sloth. All he does is sleep sleep sleep. NO FUN DD:
Did I also mention that, I thought he was dead after two days. TWO. Because he sleeps to much. And I get worried, so I normaly shake (GENTLY) his cage to see if he's dead. One day, he didn't wake up after shaking his cage (BTW, that was the day I thought he was dead) So I shook it even more, and more and more. HE STILL DIDN'T WAKE UP!! until around ten minutes later... -.-"
Stupid Commander Puddles Cook. Be hyper la :DD.