Thursday, May 29, 2008

HI :)

Posted by Hui Min at 10:54 AM 0 comments

JJ here, new guest blogger.. I"M A GUEST BLOGGER AT A BLOG!! that something i should be happy about??

well who cares?? hmm..what should i talk about??
fine i'll do sumthin Yau suggested.


have any of you noticed the most distinct feature of Yau's smile??
the feature that is always there no matter what??
a Yau smile just isn't a Yau smile without it

have ya guessed yet??

don't need to. i'm gonna say it anyway...

it's her TEETH
no matter what,it's always there, showing up like the ones in that dentyne commercial..
they seem bigger than the smile itself at times..
but yet..

"every silver lining has a dark cloud" XD -its called improvisation-

anyways..i have seen the bad times..the dark times..the EVIL times..
the times when YAU's smile DOESN'T show her teeth!!!

dum, dum, dum... -dramatic sound effects :P

but seriously its a time to be sad...coz you know that there's sumthin wrong with means she is sad..yes YAU CAN BE SAD i mean think about many times have u seen Yau sad??
the non-hyper non-crazy non-jump here and there Yau...yes i know APOCALYPSE

anyhow..she seems to be smiling all the time now so GOOD (:

note to yau: when i do sumthin for a friend i do it properly...i put effort into this..ok not that much...but it's the thought that counts right?? XD

well..not my don't say too much..

ah and YAU don't think i didn't see you change my name in your links>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

CHANGE IT BACK(To what?Mr.Kumaraguru?)

Till then,

EDIT:Boo!Yau here^^As you can see,I've got a guest blogger!Wait,he can't be called a guest blogger.It's like me giving him my password and letting him enter.Nope,it's not like that.I made him my co-author of my blog.Yes that's the right word.Co-blogger^^

Just to make a few facts right.

I have a dimple on my right cheek when I smile.Yes,I know.It's a really odd place.Dimples are normally in that area beside the mouth.Even worse,I only have one.People have two to balance it out.Most people might not even notice my dimple cuz the more weight I lose,the more less visible it gets D:You can barely even notice it in my pictures.

Thank you,Jarrod for posting for me while I was gone.I always knew I could count on you.

Friends are actually siblings that God forgot to give us^^

Posted by Hui Min at 6:11 AM 0 comments

Wednesday,28th of May

Ahhh...nothing's better than a holiday with no sense of responsibility and being able to wake up at 10.Mhhmmmm...Pure bliss.

Anyway,sis woke me up at like 10 saying Natalie Tan was looking for me.Odd,very strange indeed.Sis said I had to meet up with them for some debate meeting.Puzzled,I called her.Meet up at Centrepoint Kopitiam.I was like shit man.I just woke up and I look like a mess.I didn't remember the last time I showered.Btw,just because I don't remember doesn't mean I didn't the day before.I just have very bad memory XD.Mom said yes so Nat was like so I'll expect you in a few minutes?Again,shit.Told her half hour but who am I kidding?I take 45 minutes just to bathe.In the end,late by one hour.I absolutely hate being late.Never really had a problem with punctuality.

At Centrepoint,I got lost looking for the kopitiam.Waited at the playground while calling Nat.Turned behind and I saw her.Turned out the Kopitiam was behind me the whole time*smacks head*I never changed did I? Three form 5s,a teacher,one form 4 and a form 2.Nat,Rebecca,Jun Yit,Pn. Karamjit and Abdul Hak were there.It's just so easy to mingle with them.I love extraverted people^^

Lazy to talk about our debate topic but there are some worthy stuff to type about.Me and Pn K were discussing who could be the future successors of the current debaters.Whoever they are,I personally think they sure have some big shoes to fill in.I gave Pn K a few names cuz I knew these people would be my future counterparts and I wanted them to be perfect.Pn K mentioned Kadri and Xin Ning.I told her about Jarrod,Timothy Lim and Hannah Wong.Out of these few people mentioned above,I know who has potential.I want the best.I can see these three working with me in the future.I don't think they're good,I know they're good.I'm so gonna get Pn K to let me have a say in my future counterparts.Like I said,I want what I want when I want^^Damn,I sound so demanding but I really believe I know who's got potential.

Watch out you people,I shall be looking for you in the future ;)

Came back at like 3 and continued reading The Host till 12 am.Around that time,I got an sms from JJ asking me if I was still awake.I said yes and I predicted what JJ wanted and decided to go online at 12.Received a sms 5 seconds later.It read go online.Damn,I'm good^^

Heck,Bunny logged in 5 seconds later than me.

After that, discussed about lotsa animal issues with Hui Li and Buns.Hope we'll be working with SPCA soon^^Hui Li signed out not long after I logged in but I continued talking to JJ till like 2.

When it comes to JJ,we never have nothing to talk about.

At 3 am

Hui Min:My head is feeling dizzy...

Double J:Oh okay then bye.

Hui Min:What?????What bye?Why bye?

Double J:You're not going?

Hui Min:God no!As long as I'm still bored and can talk,I'll still talk

Double J:Yay!

Continued talking.Unfortunately,when it comes to me,I get really easily spooked and freaked out by those weird sounds and shadows in the wee hours of the morning.I know I just imagine them but I really,really get damn scared.Buns wasn't much help when he made me play some maze game and when I lost,some bloody woman shrieks out of nowhere and I blasted my speaker cuz they told me to.Like seriously f man.I literally jumped out of my chair when she screamed.She is just so freaky lookin'.That ruined my plans of reading till 4 am cuz I'd be looking out for ghosts when I try to sleep.Ugh.


JJ sure is good at making me feel safe^^

Hui Min:Jarrod,I'm scared...I'm freakin alone in my room and no thanks to your bloody game

Double J:I'm here :)

Ahhh that's just so comforting for some reason.I wish I had a big buff bro who could always protect me instead of that fat weasel I have.But,JJ still makes a very good one^^I don't need a big rip body to protect me from getting raped.Why do I have a feeling I will regret saying that in the future?

Okay,enough jibber-jabber.I'll try to cut things short.Exchanged lotsa secrets throughtout the night.Pretty ironic since it's something girlfriends do but well,Buns is a guy.But then again,we love sharing secrets with each other since sometimes there just are some stuff you can't tell your girlfriends/homies.Just kept talkin' and talkin' about personal stuff and we were both pretty reluctant to say bye and we kept sayin' one more hour till our target sleeping time.Everytime and hour passed,Buns would say ,''Still with me?'' and I would routinely say ,''As long as we don't run out of topics.''I somehow never felt tired.I guessed the talkin' kept my mind at bay.Though,I still did get the creeps time and again so I'd get some reassurance to feel safe.I think I get spookd too easily....

JJ:I'm allergic to prawns and sometimes to crabs.

Yau:You are?Since when?I never knew that.Why didn't you tell me?

JJ:Cuz you never asked

Yau:What happens?

JJ:My throat gets damn painful and no amount of water would cure it

Yau:Cooooooooooooool.I just learned something new about you.Does that mean you're allergic to prawn chips?

JJ:Don't think so.It's just flavouring

Yau:Yeah,I guess so.I know!You know those things that go has REAL prawns or has real fruit juice?


Yau:Next time I see ''has real prawns'',I'm gonna force you to eat it so that I can make you like the food taster

JJ:Yeah,and then I'll get all itchy and my throat will hurt!

Yau:Muahahahaha.At least I'll never get cheated anymore^^

At 5,I started hearing those people sing at the mosque nearby and I noticed the time.Man how time flies.I felt relieved for some reason.Just hours before I was worrying over whether I would sleep in peace(I'm scared of ghosts as you've noticed) and look where I'm standing now?I lived through the night and who would've thought I didn't need to sleep fearing ghosts?I sub-conciously picked another alternative^^Talk to my friend till the sun comes out.Well,it did kinda come out at my side.That way I'd be fully aware.People like robbers don't like attacking while their prey are aware.

At 6,I started hearing birds chirping and my maid woke up.She was like damn shocked to see me on my Superman shirt and still playing.Bugger.I never liked maids.Bloody ass said I had to sleep or else.So we said our good byes and sleep wells and then I quietly went to bed at 6 am.Damn that felt good.Like some kinda achievement.Like I completed a mission to stay up till dawn.Oh oh and I also broke a record of talking non-stop for 6 hours and well,sleeping my latest.Shut up,I know some of you have not slept for 2 days before or talk for 9 hours non-stop but hey,I'm Yau.I'm easily amused.

Talking to Buns was real fun^^I tell him stuff,he tells me stuff.I keep his secrets,he keeps my secrets.I'll be there for him,he'll be there for me.Mhhmmm,works well :D.That's my smile.This is his smile :).Only ididot don't show their teeth.Gtg go now.Leaving soon.I'll be gone for 3 days.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 6:44 AM 0 comments
I am again too tired to type.

How typical of me.

Eagerly waiting for Maths results.At least I know I was eager^^

From left:Jeremy,Azuan,Mallek & Daniel

Jeffrey be pimpin'

Aaron & Ryan, the two smart asses of 2 Matahari.One of them is Pn. Gan's son.Can you see the resemblance?

Nice picture.Couldn't edit the toxic fart fumes that were coming out of his pits and well,my face.I tried to crop but blogger is messing.

Guess the song. You dunno,I kill you.

And now for OU! Ate at Deli France.Are ya hungry yet????
Eat Soo Yin,eat!

Hug Soo Yin,hug!

Drink Hui Li,drink!

Smile people,smile!
The Bunny Hunter/Other Birthday girl.BEWARE bunny people!That means you bunny boy

After lotsa runnin',we went to Starbucks.Though,Bee and I settled for Juice Works.Did you know ice is an extra 3 bucks over there?

Bloody cousin decided to move her head.>:(

The moment you've been waiting for!


To all readers,this video is simple a joke and I do not mean a word of it.Please do not take this seriously.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Silence is NOT Gold.

Posted by Hui Min at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Damn,today was good due to many reasons and VERY bad at the same time.I lost RM160.YAU GOT ROBBED.Okay fine,it got stolen DX

My dear readers,sorry for the week long hiatus.I'm sure all of you might've guessed the reason why already.TESTS.

I really do applaud all you loyal people who still come here cuz I'm one heckova asshole blogger for neglecting my blog for studies.

Uhuh,I've been a very good student studying and all.I think I improved from last year with an *increase of 10 marks for majority of my subjects.All in all,I think I improved.Wanna know why I'm so hardworking??????I'm becoming KIASU!The plague of kiasuism is spreadinggggggggg.It's spreading I tell you! It infects people one by one....

*I've only gotten back English and Math so far but we have our objective question papers so I can roughly guess my marks ^^

Got 96 for English,highest in class.Hah!Finally beat Aaron Soh!I only lost to him last year cuz of objective.Thank god he doesn't read my blog^^Btw,all you upper formers probably noticed him last year when he got HIGH DISTINCTION for NSW Science AND English.I only got disinction...Bloody metaphors.I got 1/6 for all those poem shits.The average Malaysian score was 4.Lesson learnt,always pay attention during BM.That shows my skills in tembak-ing.I'm damn chio.So chio that I can actually kill someone!Anyway,a word of advice for the form 1s.Learn up your komsas for BM.Literature shits in NSW is actually the easiest part of the test for most since we already learn it in komsas.I wish I had this info last year.Ka na sai.

Oh and then I got 97 for Math.Second highest in class.Used to get 83-85 due to carelessness.Lazy to elaborate.It's for the better anyway.I talk too much.

Now for the bad.

I am effing tired from literally running around OU.People were staring and must've been thinking,''Wtf.Why the crap is that girl using OU as a jogging place thingy?She should just go to that mountain in Taman Tun!''

Okay,I'm damn tired now so I shall continue posting later with pics a story from our outing^^

P.S-There's alot more bad coming and well,good too.

To Cousin,Hui Li,Rou En,Siew Jun,Soo Yin and Xian

I love you guys so much and THANK YOU.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let us have a silent moment

Posted by Hui Min at 7:09 AM 0 comments
To pray for the pitiful souls of the earthquake-stricken China.Those poor pitiful people....So many lives lost...Those 20 000 children destined for a future,all gone in a matter of minutes...

Go read yesterday's Thestar the World section page 37.Read the story of 10 year-old Li Yi.Read the story of the doctor who tried to save lives.Read the story of the mother who lost her child.Read the story of those other children who lost their lives...

She held on for dear life while doctors amputated her smashed left leg from the rubble just to be freed.She wasn't given anaesthetics when the doctor chopped off her leg with an axe.

Doesn't this disturb you?

She told the doctor to amputate her leg.She didn't want it.She wanted to be free.

In another case,another kid wanted to be free from the rubble.He too had to amputate his limb.The doctor said,'' When I told the boy I was going to cut off his legs, he just said 'Go ahead, please save me, I don't need them."

"The words were like a knife through my heart," he said.

During the a surgery,deep inside there was another kid crying for help.He said,''Uncle,help me.Please save me.You just need to come inside and push the door.After that,I'll do everything else.''In reality,the kid was too deep inside and was already in bad condition.The doctor was forced to leave him there and slowly his voice faded away....Death had him in the end.

I cried when I read their stories.

May God bless their souls....

And now for something more enlightening^^

My PLBS shits =D!


A VERY good morning to my beloved teacher Pn. Jothi and my fellow friends.First and foremost,I’d like to apologize for any flaws in my speech for I had done this last minute therefore this speech is ahem…rushed^^.On this fine day,I shall give out a speech titled ‘’KIASU-ISM’’

KIASUISM.You must be thinking,’’ What does this mean ??This word !What language is this? It sounds so barbaric!It’s definitely a foul word. Oh yes, it is .’’Well , ladies and gentlemen, not to worry. For your information, kiasu means ‘‘Afraid of ‘losing out’ to other people’’ My definition of kiasu is people who are overly competitive and always aiming to get number 1.In fact, this speech of mine is an example of kiasuism.I had this big urge to do well in this this PLBS thing even though there wan’t even a need for my competitiveness in the first place.I had my ego so high that it’s starting to feel a little chilly up here.Sometimes,people get so competitive that they resort to backstabbing just to climb a little higher.But,this isn’t my main concern for today.

Kiasuism comes in many forms.From academics to getting a high post to popularity. In our country, Malaysia, kiasuism is at it’s worst in the academic sector.This is starting to become a worrisome issue.Our generation , the people of tomorrow are starting to become unhealthily kiasu over academic results. Sure, some competitiveness is always good to make us push ourselves the extra mile but kiasuism is starting to take its toll. At times ,we become so competitive that we may go say,an extra ten miles .When we go the extra ten miles,we tend to forget about everything else around us.

Students do anything in their power to be at the top of the pack, to be number 1.Some students even take SEVEN tuitions a week ,one for every day.As for worst cases,they take two tuitions a day.Each tuition is two maybe three hours. We literally get our faces buried in books for an average of 9 hours a day.That’s almost half a day gone!.Ladies and gentlemen, Where is the freedom?? 20 years ago ,you could see people our age frolicking around and basking in their youth. But now , what have we become?? Puppets of education??? People at our age currently have the mentality that education is everything. Okay,I have to admit ,education IS everything but not to the extent that all we do is eat ,sleep and study everyday.This kiasuism gets so much into our heads that all we do is aim for number 1…nothing else.

Fellow students,what’s even more alarming is the fact that a big portion of the blame goes to our parents!Parents.They’re the ones who brought life to us.They’re the one’s who have given us unconditional love,nurturing since young in hope that we can become useful beings when we grow up.But,with that they set THEIR own expectations for us.They’re the ones who set the bar for us.We,as the children have to meet their expectations or risk shame from facing those fustrated faces of theirs.Most of us don’t even have the freedom to choose our own future.In Malaysia,a successful career is normally the typical lawyer or doctor but how many of us actually want that??How many of us are competent for those only two so-called successful jobs?

You see my friends,we’re pressurized to become successful and unfortunately,most of us don’t think in the long-term therefore all we think about is being smart education wise.But,what we’ve never questioned ourselves before is ‘’how much will my straight A’s actually help me after ending my education life?Will I actually use my education on Moral when I get a job?’’ The issue now is the fact that students memorize and memorize all the moral values just to get a perfect 100%.Recently,I showed my mother my Moral paper.She was astonished to find it so hard!Back then,we didn’t need to remember moral value definitions word by word.Oh,how times have changed!This Moral subject of ours has became a ticket for those aiming for number 1.All they have to do is study a ‘mere’ 4 more hours.Piece of cake.

This has come with its negative impacts.In Malaysia, we’re so exam oriented that we’re never exposed to the outside world.What I mean by outside world is political life.If you take a bunch of students plagued by kiasuism in the business world.Can they survive?I think not.All they know is their books.Sad, isn’t it?Ladies and gentlemen,today,this is the purpose of my speech.To raise awareness of this issue in our motherland. The issue of kiasuism. How all we care about is getting number 1,book wise.Are you disturbed by this issue? Are you going to do anything about this?Think about it.It’s never to late to change yourself.



This is my sweat and blood and it would upset me so if anybody were to copy it and use it for their own good.I worked on this for hours without any help or reference so I really hope you as a reader shall not use this to benefit yourself in any way.This essay may not be good or anything but I just really hope you will respect my wishes as the writer.

I just realized this is really contradicting from the way I study.But hey,guess what?I live in Malaysia.I study in a government school.We're all forced to become like that so beat it.

Oh yes,please give some feedback on my kiasu essay.Tell me if I can further improve it.Constructive criticism is good for the soul.Drop me a comment in the cbox ;D


Oh yeah,my father got me to drink Brandy for the past two days.I actually like it.I hope I don't get addited to it but it tastes damn good.He's the father who's stopping me from talking to boys and all that lovestruck teenage shits kononnya.Education first,as if.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A good reason to blog^^

Posted by Hui Min at 5:55 AM 0 comments
As some of you have known,I got banned from my parents.Why?Mother and Father thinks I'm not smart enough so I need to study more.Blog less.


Nothing can stop me man.Besides,I have a very good reason for blogging today^^






Happy Mother's Day!

Dear mother,

It's been fourteen years now.Since the day you brought life to me.You took me in and showered me with unconditional love.That love is the love only a mother could give.You've promised to always be there for me,help me up when I fall until the day God decides it's time.Nevertheless,as you have said ''As long as I am able,I will always be there for you.''Thank you mother.That's all I need when I'm in doubt.We all need some re-assurance now and then, don't we?Again thank you for everything you've done for me.

And now,a recap of Mother's Day shopping!

Yesterday,me and sis went to our second home,One Utama to buy Mother the ultimate Mother's Day gift!We try our best every year to make sure Mother has the best gift ever.The gift must have the following criterias:

1.Satisfies me and sis

2.Something Mother will use

3.Something Mother can show off with

4.Something mother will see everyday

5.Most importantly,makes mother happy

Oh yeah,forgot to mention the fact that every Mother's Day,me and sis make it a tradition to buy it secretly and surprise Mother.Seriously,we do it every year.This year,we gave Mother the reason of buying workbooks.How cliche.Dang,where's that thingy on top of the 'e'?

Oh,but she bought it cuz test is around the corner anyway.

At OU,

My god,we couldn't make up our mind on what to buy.Some stuff we thought of buying for her:

1.Those prosperity cats and this one came with a solar panel.Mother loves kitties.

But:Sis said it was not worth it since it was a hefty 40 bucks for something so small.

2.Some Body Shop/perfume crap

But:Sis said we should buy something she's 'out of reach' and it was too pricey anyway.

3.Some home-made art crap from some art shop.Thought of using polymer clap but when we reached there and saw all the art stuff,my mind totally went blank.

Why no:We're not creative enough and it's not easy to hide from mother.She'll be wondering what we're doing.

Walked around for 1 1/2 hours and 0% of productivity.We thought we were doomed.So I sent 15 people this following sms:

Dear Yau's friends,what are you planning on giving your mom tomorrow?I'm patheticly out of ideas so I might copy one of your ideas if you permit.Yau

Look,I was desperate,okay?That's the only reason why I had to resort to that.That's what I mean when we try our best to get Mother the perfect gift.Even if we're out of ideas.

Got a few replies.

Jarrod:Nothing.I'm so not gonna use the idea of giving nothing.

Timothy Lim:He forgot it was Mother's Day the next day but he told me to but a book/a cd.No.Mother doesn't read or listen to music.Though,thank you Timothy Lim for helping out.You were most helpful.No pun intended.

Hannah Wong:A plant and something else.Sounded interesting but that's cuz I'm a nature freak.Sis said it should be something mom will like.

Christine:A manicure.No.


To those of you who didn't give your moms a Mother's Day gift,like wth man!!!You ungrateful creatures.How dare you use exams as a reason to forget about all your mother's good deeds.I dulan all of you.

In the end,found our stuff at Jusco and that home cantre place.

1.A teddy bear that's hugging a heart and has some words on it.Forgot what XD

2.Big,big card.


The plant is not plastic.It is a living organism.It's called a prosperity plant.Bought at Home cEntre for 9.90.You need to go damn deep inside.

And now a song for you,Mother!

Oh yeah,another thing.Met Kadri at OU supermarket at like 9 or 10.In fact,my whole family met him.He left one heck of an impression on my dad.Shaking hands going ,''Hello sir,my name is Kadri.Nice to meet you.''Lazy to explain but bottomline,he made one heckuva good impression and that rarely happens with my dad.

And now a song for you,Mother!

Mama by Il Divo

Mama thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
For the timesI forgot

Mama remember all my life
You showed me love,You sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I've changedalong the way

And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
I miss you, I miss you

Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong
Dry your eyes

Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I've changed
Along the way
And I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you, Mama

If the you can't view it,go here~~~>

Dear reader,

If you think you can't express yourself well,let your mother listen to this.Trust me,you'll make her day.She'll be happy to the brim^^


I love you


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yau is Sick.

Posted by Hui Min at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Gahhhh.I just realized the thing my body immune system is most vulnerable to is food poisoning.Seriously,I get it all too frequently.The waking up in the middle of the night vomiting out bile/my dinner/gastric juice every fifteen minutes.Not to mention the nausea.God,I dread the nausea.I get this at least once every six months.And no,the food i eat at home is not dirty cuz you don't see my other family members getting sick.I wonder if it's because of the lack of vegetable intake.Once a month is not enough I guess.Look,I just hate the horrid crunchy texture.I'd rather eat pig fat/lard anyday.


Woke up at 3 am feeling a bout of nausea.Chest tight-ness and all that shit.Tried to sleep but kept tossing and turning.In the end,ran to toilet to vomit.Vomit came out through my nostrils.My gawd,that hurt like crap.The vomit was acidic so you can imagine how painful it was when even a little water hurts your nose.Vomited like another 5 times after that.Thirsty,drink water,vomitttttt.Went to the doctor's at 8.They're not open at 3 and there's always the 24/7 Apollo Clinic but mother doesn't trust Malays.Yes,she is racist.I'm not.Instead,she chooses to let her daughter suffer for another 5 hours.

At the doctor's,

Doc said based on the symtoms,it's food poisoning.Whoopie.Felt damn lethargic.Even typing a sms was hard for me.Doc said it's due to the vomiting.Oh yeah,I was dehydrated so I got an injection on my ass.He said I had to.I had no choice.Anyway,went home and slept the whole day.Too tired to move.Also got a fever from over-heating/dehydration.Oh yeah,I only ate a piece of bread for lunch and small portion af noodles for dinner.I was shockingly not hungry the whole day.

You Are 77% Grown Up, 23% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.

Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.Should be the opposite.

You Are a Pretty Good Liar

Your lies are somewhat believable, but sometimes you get caught.

Work on keeping your body language and emotions calm. And you'll be a better liar in no time!


Your Reputation Is: Sweet Girl

While you're well known, there's nothing to worry about.

You're reputation is mostly good - as good as any rep can be.


You Don't Need a Man ... or Want One!

Generally, you're very happy being a single woman.

And anyone who has a problem with that... well, that's there problem.

Not that you wouldn't share your life with the almost perfect guy.

You simply won't settle though. Your life is too good to share with some substandard man!

Mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.I don't need one,for now.Or maybe,I don't need a man,I need a boy. Wait,I take that back.Education first.

Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition

You are:

A true wordsmith - a master of words

Original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration

Highly energetic, up for any challenge

Entertaining and engaging, both to friends and strangers

You Communicate With Your Body

This isn't as bad as it sounds, it just means that you're a "touchy-feely" person.

You need a lot of affection in your life. And for you, this means both giving and receiving little touches.

Warm hearted, you bond with people easily. In fact, you often feel a little sad when you're not in the company of others.

A little moody, you tend to be controlled by your emotions. But a bit hug always comforts you!

Ooooohhh!Tush-tush!Tush-tush!Sorry,inside joke.

You Have a Choleric Temperament

You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.

Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.

You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.

You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.

Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.

You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.

At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.

Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.

A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.

So trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Sunday, May 4, 2008


Posted by Hui Min at 1:17 AM 0 comments

Went to OU today with sis cuz we needed to buy workbooks.

You have no idea what I found.

Anyway,we first went to that Shihlin whatever Taiwan foodstore to buy my seafood tempura snack after that,went to MPH to buy...workbooks.



Stacked upon the shelves,I saw three of these books.I tell you,the glory of it's magnificence was unbearable.I had to touch it.I had to smell it.I had to feeeeeeeeeeel it.


I'm sure most of you girls have heard of Twilight,New Moon and Eclipse.Well,at least most of the upper form people have.Heck,even guys read this romance novel series.Fyi,there isn't a person in the world that has read these books and then put them down out of boredome.The series is just so frickin' good!

Back to The Host.The Host is another side project by Stephenie Meyer.Stephenie Meyer is said to be the next J.K Rowling since the movie Twilight is actually surpassing The Half Blood Prince and well,the book just lives up to it's reputation.I'm not gonna dwell to much into this.Just go here: for more info.

Back to my story.I can't believe it's out in MPH!Better yet,MALAYSIA!For your infomation,The Host is only supposed to be out in America on May SIXTH.What day is today?FOURTH.Liek wtf man.Seriously,go here~~~> Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

So,I obviously grabbed the book and asked around.They said they just got it today and they only had it in paperback.MADRE.Wo yao hardcover!Hardcover!I asked them how they got it so quick when even America didn't have it and all she gave me was a confused look as though I just cursed at her inJapanese.Tired of the blardy woman,I wnet upstairs to read my love.

Found a nice corner so I sat there and tore open the plastic.Oh bad me XD.I just had to,okay?Anyway,sat there and started reading.The book is FAB-YOU-LESS man.Exactly how I anticipated it to be and it's just damn freakin' nice.I only managed to read two three chapters though.I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't realize dunno how much time had pass and sister said we had to go.Madre.Wo bu yao chu chee.Wo yao du soo.

Would've bought it but didn't.Sis said not worth it since it's paperback.I wouldn't want it to suffer
the same fate as my Twilight anyway.Uhuh,very bad condition.Damn,it was so kek sum(?)when I had to put it down but I just reluctantly put it down anyway.

Now all you Twilighters know The Host is out.I'm so friggin sure it's gonna go out of stock soon.By the way,even Ou Popular doesn't have it.So yeah,you can only find it at MPH for now.I srsly do wonder how they got it.I have a feeling they rasuah-ed or something.Oh well,as long as I get the hardcover.

Oh yeah the paperback is priced at a whopping RM61.

Look out for this next post

My ambition and stuff I never knew about it.

-just found out I'd make a very good lawyer but I shall be leading a horrible love life.F man.I want law AND good love life.


Flies mating.Dang,why does blogger keep doing this?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

MYMUN shits.

Posted by Hui Min at 6:54 AM 0 comments

Less words,more pictures.

I was in pain

He was having fun.

That didn't look too comfy...

Yan Yun and Jou Ee

Our team's nly picture.We're the Creelics.

Our country's national animal.NO!NOT A COW!A SHEEP!A SHEEP!

She's syupposed to look really pissed but blogger doesn't do this pic any justice.

Please don't mind the bad quiality of my images.There's something wrong with blogger especially when it rescales my images.Holy,I just realized there's that empty white space.I don't got no patience with blogger.Stupid blogger.

King Jarrod Joshua Kumaraguru of the Republic Of WOO-YOH!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

This was meant to be posted on Friday

Posted by Hui Min at 6:50 AM 0 comments
First and foremost,THANK YOU,Joyce Ngoh for helping me with my old polka dots layout.The cute lil' spunky gal hails all the way from Singapore.

Oh yeah,you must all be wondering how did I make these two layout all by myself.Before this,I was as good as gone with all these html shits.Well,guess what?The answer was under my nose the whole time!!Ka na sai man.I have no idea why all you moronic friends of mine never told me this.There's this button that says''UPDATE YOUR TEMPLATE''.I have no idea why I didn't click it long ago.Now all I need to do is drag and drop my widgets/elements.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` was an interesting day.Quite a few things worth mentioning here but I'm too lazy to post everything XD

Skipped PJ to do KRS board.Damn sad.I haven't been working out for awhile.Anyway,me,Bee,Soo Yin,Siew Jun,Rou En and Xian(wait,she didn't help.She's a scout.All she did was help make more rubbish) stayed back in class to punch colour paper.I brought damn big punchers today.They're at least half a kg each.Damn heavy.So yeah,if you see two big red flawwahs in front of 1 Matahari,my gang made it yo and I provided the resources ;D

We made hell a lotta rubbish and when it's time to pick up after ourselves,everybody decides to run off and leave Yau and Rou En alone.Smart asses.

Halfway clearing,Marcus suddenly comes in through the back door.Mind you,class was very empty and...messy.Welll,at least where I was sitting was.


Me:Hey there

Marcus:*sits on the chair beside me* Where Jeffrey's place? *looks around*

Me:You're sitting on it~

Marcus:Ooooohhhhhhh!*starts rummaging through Jeffrey's bag*takes all his books out and chucks everything messily into the desk**continues digging bag**unzips pencil box and then throws all it's contents into the bag and some on floor*

Me:Marcus,watcha doin'?

Marcus:Messing up Jeffrey's stuff.*continues messing stuff up*

Me:What am I gonna tell Jeffrey?

Marcus:You're gonna tell him that Marcus messed up his stuff.


Marcus:*walks away*

Me:Marcus,what am I gonna tell him?

Marcus:I messed up his stuff.

Silly,silly Marcus.The dude's still a kid at heart.

My mood:Worried and sad.Why?Buddie is sad so I'm sad too.Dont worry,Buddie.Don't be sad.I'll always be there for you like I've always been.

I'm done blogging now and I'll do a REAL post soon.Look out for these titles;

My special friend,Sek Jia Yuen

-Don't judge a book by it's cover.He's not special because of his disabilities.He's special because he really is special ;D

Leprechauns Of 2 Raya.

-You'll see why I call them leprechauns soon enough.


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