Friday, November 21, 2008

To each their own perception.

Posted by Hui Min at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Recently, I found some food for thought on Marcus' blog.


What does it mean?

  1. The effect or product of perceiving.
  2. Psychology
  • Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.
  • The neurological processes by which such recognition and interpretation are effected.
  • Insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving.
  • The capacity for such insight.

To make it simple,it's what your mind concludes about something.

''Oh,I love her red high heels.''


''Oh dear,it looks like it's gonna rain.=S Oh well ^-^'' *continues sipping coffee*

''So what if I'm different? So what if I'm weird? As long as I'm happy, I can rule the world!!!''

''I'm a freakin' FAILURE.I got 2 C's.Leave me ALONE.''

Marcus Lim said '' Thus,ladies and gentlemen ,we DO live in a neutral world.What gives an object or event it's good property is OUR PERCEPTION!''

Everything in this world,it's neither bad nor good.It ALWAYS begins as neutral.

Yes indeed,I believe we do live in a neutral world.Neutral is boring? Well,that's what YOU are for!To add some spice to your life! There's sorrow, envy, wrath ,happiness ,excitement , love and loads more! I personally like adding a dash TON of optimism to my life^^

''Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.''-Soo Hui Li's MSN personal message

Hahahaha.She's been using the same pm for the past 11 months.But, Hui Li,I'm curious.Do you REALLY believe in it? Wait, that's redundant.You do believe you believe in it but do you apply it to your life?If yes,how? I'd love to know ;)

My dears,exams have just ended ,haven't day?

With that being said,I'd love to share with you a story.

Post-Exam Period.

My favourite time of the year for observing perceptions!Audible expressions(F words) are bountiful(ample,a lot?) which makes it all the more amusing to watch^^

We're moments away from getting our year-end exam results.Tension is in the air.Our emotional control is experiencing its weakest point.Will I drop class? Will I get top 10 in class like I aimed?

Ahh that one tell you later.I don't wanna talk about my reaction right now.I'd like to talk about others.

Imagine it.Your class just got your results on the last day of school. Everyone's crowding around your teacher.A vile stench fills the air.The stench wafts in the air,rolls between tables and finally settles in your nostrils.Wassat u say? Body odour XD

What?Boys sweat a lot when they're nervous =/

I can see it.Can you?


''Whoopie!I got number 1 again! Harhar I beat euu!''

''What?I can't believe I got this....I studied KH as much as Sejarah..''

''No,no.There must be something wrong.I'm a genius.I'm gonna beat all of you.I'm gonna find Pn. Aminah.''

''Aww damnit.Only 91 for Science...I aimed 95+.Now I won't get RM15 from my tuition teacher...''

''Damnit.Next year sure drop class.F#ck this shit la.''

''Don't care about exam.Bye-bye Matahari.Eddie Cahill.Eddie Cahill.Eddie Cahill.''

"I studied very hard!I'm definitely correct!This teacher is stupid!I'm always right! 8["

Fascinating, ain't it?

No? Well, we all have our personal opinions.

Those who did badly,I don't think I saw an ounce of optimism in anyone 10 minutes past getting their results.But that's only 10 minutes of making their lives miserable.I don't think it's fatal.

How did I do and react?

Oh,I find it really amusing looking back~~~~

Chan Xian Ting scurried past me and came to a halt after she recognised my face.

''Yau, you got 35 in class.You did badly cuz you FAILED your art.They're counting with Grade Point Average.Omg,I got 27,I think I'm gonna drop class.''

You can drop class with 27?

''Wth??? But they've never used GPA system before! What the crap?!''

*frantically heads towards teacher's office with Christine,Bee & Cheryl.*

''NO WAY.NO WAY.NO WAY .I have never done so badly before!I want to bloody see it for myself.''

Seriously,I ALWAYS stay in the teens.I've been working hard and have stayed among the creme de la creme for the past two years!35 was a really big blow for me.I found it really hard to believe.Sorry for lanc-ing.It was rlly harsh =(

*reached office**found result slip**scanned for seni visual*

SVK-36% (E)

Kedudukan dalam kelas-35

''Wtf! I don't believe I failed my seni! * starts tearing* 35! My mom's gonna be so angry...='( I'm gonna see Pn. Chan and demand for a remark!That bitch is gonna die''

Difference between mid-term and year-end

Aaron Soh-1st to 7th

Cheryl Anne-6th to 18th

me-14th to 35th

Christine Kuan-8th to 25th

Yeah,all of us were pretty much devastated.There was a lot of yelling and ''I demand an explanation!''s

But,the story doesn't end there.Turned out SVK didn't stand for seni visual.It stood for SIVIK.I failed my sivik,not my seni and everyone knows sivik doesn't count in position so yeah,they had to re-do everything.I jumped 14 places.

21 is still the worst I've ever gotten but ahh oh well,there's always next year.'Sides,I would've worked harder for my grades instead of aiming for 90s.If only I knew...

''You know you're able to move on and get over something once you're able to say oh well.''-Somewhere la


Moral of the story.

It's okay to be negative about something for awhile but don't go overboard.

Ahh damnit,went off-topic.Back to PERCEPTION.

There basically only two simple categories for perception.



I don't think it's very difficult to differentiate those two but if you really don't get it...

I don't like vegetables.

I like coffee.

There ya go.

Maybe I want to believe I'm the Ultimate Master of all thing happy and positive so ya know,whatever.So what if it's self-proclaimed?I know I'm happier than you but then again,personal opinion.

What I'm trying to say is I think I kinda know when it's best to stay positive and when we can let go a little.

People always question my happiness & optimism.Why?Is it a crime being positive?

Seriously, do you think YOU can afford to always be negative in life?

Quite frankly,I don't think so.I'm sorry to all the emos out there but I just can't see why you always have to go on harping about how miserable your life is.

Situation 1(really happened): Random girl drowns me in a sea of F words for answering her question during mid-term


*takes a seat*

"How much did you get for your KH?"

"70.I didn't do too well."

''Fvck!Fvck!Fvck!Fvck!Fvck you!You don't even blardy do your homework!!!Fvck this paper!!!"

I seriously fail to understand that person and it's not like she even said it jokingly.She looked so...angry like I killed her mother or something.Like wth is her problem???I just answered her question.No,I don't remember stabbing her with a pencil.It's not like I even did well anyway..=/

Can you see how VERY negative perceptions affect your life and the people around you?

In this case,people get a bad impression of her and she earns herself a reputation of being really volatile(explosive) and no one likes a sour puss.

On a side note, Mataharians,most of us overreact too much.I've seen it happen I dunno, too many times?

''Arghhhhhh!I fvcking failed my Geo!!''

When in actual fact,you got a C.I didn't know C's stood for fail =/

Btw,yelling you failed is annoying when you really didn't.It's just like telling the world you struck a big lottery but in actual fact,it's just RM20.

See how much you overreact and exaggerate?

So stop it.It's negative perception and it annoys people.

Situation 2: Your friend just spread a fake rumor about you .You're upset that she betrayed and backstabbed you.Watcha gonna do about it?

Firstly,this is more of a girl thing.Do guys backstab each other as much as girls?


You decide to get your sweet revenge by spreading fake rumors about her too.

You decide to let it go and tell yourself that somehow she won't be able to resist gossiping about her other friends for long and that one day,they too will witness her true colours.


By spreading rumors about her too,it makes you no different from her.No, don't tell yourself she deserves it cuz she's mean.You see,that's what revenge does.It makes you become conniving,manipulative,deceitful and an unforgiving bitch.Why? Well,revenge is sweet and it poisons you at the same time just like...
It poisons your body.
Sweet revenge, it poisons your soul.

Sweet revenge is addictive and after awhile,you too turn into a bitch yourself.When your friends tell you to change,you tell them you're incorrigible(cannot be changed) cuz you were "born like that".

Don't say that.It's a very negative perception on yourself.You'll just keep losing your friends one by one.It's your choice to learn it the hard way.

People say it's the right thing to do but do you have the patience to do it? I say GO FOR IT.Trust me,I've witnessed it first hand.It took months but my bitch really ended up losing her friends permanently.They can never get permanent friends,always getting new ones by gossiping.Learn from the bitch's mistake.Becoming evil(through revenge) will repulse any friends of yours.

Situation 3:You.Office environment.Boss.

Emo.Moping around.Pessimistic.Negative.Slack.Give stupid excuses when late.

Happy.Always busy.Optimistic.Positive.Hardworking.Always on time.


Your boss hates you.Your company is losing money cuz of you.You should get fired.

You'll feel a strong sense of self-confidence because you always have a positive outlook on life.Nothing can bring you down cuz you feel like you're on top of the world! Oh and your boss loves you and you get a higher pay.

Situation 4:You think your body doesn't have enough curves/your boobs aren't big enough/you're not muscular enough/you're too fat etc.

Everyday you look at the mirror and tell yourself your thighs are too big.During Psychical Education you tell yourself you wish you had her legs,her boobs and her smile.In the changing room,you tell your friends you're too fat. Why do you do this? All you're achieving is reassuring yourself that you're ugly and by insulting your body ,you're tremendously pulling down your self-esteem.Why are you the one with the biggest impact on yourself?

''No one can insult you without your consent.''-Yau Kok Fai

People can never hurt your feelings without your consent because you need to agree with them first and that's YOUR decision, not theirs.Thus,ONLY YOU have the power to insult yourself making you become your own worst enemy.

Furthermore,insulting your body while being in the presence of your friends would make them feel obliged to insult themselves too to make you feel better.They may not realize it but they too our pulling down their self-esteem.

Look at the mirror everyday and tell yourself you're beautiful.Tell yourself to stop being so negative.Nothing's sexier than a confident girl ,no?

I've sure got a big thing against negativeness, don't I ?


What's my verdict?


Really,what could ever go wrong with being positive? Not letting yourself succumb to evil thoughts(murder,revenge,torture) , when-there's-a-will-there's-a-way attitude , always smiling and loads more.What more could you ask for?

The only people against it are probably negative old scrooges *snickers* but life isn't very fun for them now ,is it? Complaining ,harping ,telling themselves they're dead meat.Oh yeah,really FANTASTIC lives they lead.

Ladies and gentlemen,I hope I've written enough to enlighten you on the perks of being positive-minded.My only wish when I wrote this was to help people experience life's precious moments by being positive.I just see so many negative people in my life and I want to help them change.I want to help them smile =).I WANNA ELIMINATE ALL NEGATIVENESS IN THE WORLD 8D!!!!!

Absurd?Well,to each their own perception^^

Remember,it's never too late.

It took me 3 years to build back my confidence cuz being different wasn't easy but it's all been worth it^^


1.Never say you can't change.

2.Don't say you don't know how to.

3.Tell yourself you CAN do it ,somehow and no matter how long it takes, you'll keep trying because when there's a will,there's a way.

4.When talking in your head or audibly, always try to say can,do,shall,will instead of can't,don't,shan't,won't.Somehow, just try to avoid saying negative words.Twist your sentence.Use your brain. Anything negative, just zone it out.

Sorry for grammatical errors and typos.It's 5:30 AM.

P.S-Can anyone give me a verdict on being positive?Sohaico ,that doesn't include you.

EDIT: Marcus replied citing ALWAYS being positive is not good. Well, I completely agree. Of course you need to balance negative and positive but how many of you actually keep it balanced?

Another thing he pointed out is how overly positive people like me tend to get blinded in life.

Tushé, my friend, tushé ;)

Over Positive People.

  • Over Positive people fail to improve because they are blinded by their flaws.
  • The think they can handle every situation and solve every problem.
  • Yes they accept critics with open minds, and they overcome it.
  • Then when they do, they become confident and good about themselves.Feeling confident boost self-esteem, which then boost EGO.Which then leads to blindness.

-Marcus Lim


Sunday, November 2, 2008

So,I have this fabulous new thing...

Posted by Hui Min at 2:41 AM 0 comments
It's colourful,it's pretty and most importantly,it's a BALL!!!!

I always did have a thing for colourful round objects^^

Behold!My ball!

You shall fear in it's presence!

Or woe shall betide you all!!!!

''Ooo...*squeeze*Why is it hard?''-Amanda Leong, during math tuition

''What is this?''-Joshua,Jonathan's twin,SMKBU3,during science tuition


It's called a spherical handphone keychain.


I also have a thing for ladybugs!

I remember..a loooong,long time ago,at the age of 9 I used to spend my time(an hour each day) catching ladybugs while waiting for my sister after school.

Aaahh...good times,good times. Them ladybugs came in the thousands!There were swarms of them everywhere! I used to find them in a 30 metre stretch of bushes in my primary school and I used to cover my ears while ladybug-hunting cuz Mother said I'd go deaf if they went in XD.

I also made the most unlikely friends while catching ladybugs^^ 3 Malay boys...barely spoke English.But we all shared one common ground, ladybugs. Imagine the excitement in our hearts when we flipped a leaf and spotted a ladybug.'' Eh Yau!!Kat sini! Ku jumpa ledibag la!'' Then the four of us would fight each other to get our hands on it XD.

Since then,I haven't seen another ladybug hitherto :S

Have YOU seen a ladybug before?

After their absence for such a long time,sometimes I wonder if all those years were just my imagination...

Oh well.

Hhmm...I wonder what ladybugs eat.Maybe I can breed them...

My idea maaan^^'Tard next to me was unoriginal

Did you notice I also have ladybugs on my handphone strap?


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Boob Firming Treatment Part 2

Posted by Hui Min at 8:36 AM 0 comments

Okay,before you click the play button(which I really encourage cuz trust me,you'll laugh like crap)or do anything for that matter,I urge you to understand the storyline first.

The link leads you to pretty much where it all started.

*Click here* to see the part 1 or the um..the prequel to this post.And, open a new window.Skip everything in peach.In the mean time,scroll down and click play and then pause the video so you won't have to wait for long.

By now,you'll understand how Bizzy Body got my number.

Yeah,they're slimming 'experts' but Mother always did say ''Self praise is no praise.'' Somebody needs to learn some humility*nods*.Okay fine,I'm no one to judge their slimming expert capabilities...that is until I make use of the voucher they gave me. *sly grin*

Which I unfortunately have lost :( The only remnants I have left of that eventful day are some horribly blur handphone-taken pictures.

Let's just get on with Boob Firming Treatment Part 2 already.

Soo...remember Mallek's open house?I'm sure you do^^ It's the post below this one.

Anyway,on the way back, me,Christine,Cheryl and Abigail were busy being bored.

Suddenly,one of us gets a phone call!

It's Bizzy Body!!!!!!

We instantly pushed the red button.

With the so-girls-what-do-we-do-next-ditto-evil-grin look painted on our faces,we hit the green button and called them back.Of course you have to call them back.It's rude to not follow up a miss call :).

The call was totally impromptu so yeah,the video down there could've been much better if planned.

Ladies and gentlemen,I give you...Clementine.

Clementine is just like any other 14 year old lass from Malaysia.Only thing is...she's special.Her other traits are broken English,super irritating and last but not least,super long winded.There's one more but I'll let you find out for yourself^^

Wait for it to load.(What's with the freakin' large space?Can't get it off!)

I've got a few people asking me some questions so I'll just answer some common ones.

Who is Clementine? I explained up there.

Okay,who is the voice behind Clementine? That's for me to know and for you to guess^^

Are you gonna do another Clementine/Boob firming prank call anytime soon?Who ever said I was Clementine to begin with?You forgot Christine,Cheryl and Abigail.Clementine could be anyone of us *winks*

Why does Clementine sometimes sound like a chipmunk?Of course she didn't inhale some helium gas.Christine simply made Clementine's go higher by two pitches so we can confuse you.

Where did you record this?Christine's car on the way back from Mallek's house.

What did you use to record this? Christine and Cheryl's handphones.

During 8:39 ,Clementine said she'd rather go to that London place.What London place?

This London place.

Another slimming centre and Pn. Prema from our school goes there.She was seen wearing a London handphone strap.

And now for the mind-boggling question.

Who is the voice behind Clementine?

There are only 5 very obvious answers.

Could it be...

Abigail Choong Li Leng?

Cheryl Anne Lee May Lyn?

Christine Kuan Hui Ann?
Yau Hui Min The Everlasting Omega?

Or maybe....all of us?

You decide!

First one from SMKBUD4 to e-mail me at gets um...3 peices of Hershey's chocolate from me on Monday!!! Sorry,I just can't part with any of my belongings.All too precious^^

Oh you can also vote at the sidebar but you're not getting anything.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mallek's Open House

Posted by Hui Min at 4:01 AM 0 comments

There.A post full of pictures.It's said the human mind likes colours^^

I have a present for all of you at the end of the post to make up for the long absence of pictures.No peeking^^

Sooooo...I have this buddy of mine that I've known for 11 years.Hell yeah,ELEVEN years out of my 14.Been in the same school ever since kindie.Blablabla...he had an Open House on Saturday. The only BU4ians that went were me,Shevel(Cheryl),Christine,Bee(Abigail),Bunny Boy(JJ) and Kaddie(Kadri).

Click pictures to zoom in.Non-Mallek's house pics don't have that feature.

Mallek Aminullah Bin Mallek Rizal

Us girls met up at Cheryl's house first since Mallek's house is in some secluded area.

Cheryl ,Chelsea the mix pomeranian-chihuahua.

Dopey Girl,Charlie's Angels Wannabe,Pup Lover.

I love Chelsea.

Halfway taking a picture,Chelsea licked my lips so I flinched.Imagine that.A whole 90 degree flip.Lol...Baywatch hair flip
Reached Mallek's house at 12 using GPS. And we still got lost despite the GPS-_-. Yes,he's filthy rich.

I freakin' love the mural on his wall!First step into the house,BIG TREE! So environmental^^

Us retards.Pondok.Best lighting ever.

You people are so dumb that
I can't bear to look at you.
Happy and Reatard.Ughhh...the gummy smile!

''AGH!!!'' Lol the swooshy hair adds drama!8D

''Come on upeehee!!'' Nigga wannabe failures.Wth is Shevel doing?

Everything looks good when Yau takes it^^ *lanc face*

I noticed my cousin shares the same gummy smile as me.We both got it from gran gran.


Not only do we share our smiles,we share our big eyes too!!!!!! That calls for a....


I win.





We both are well equipped big eyes.It just depends on who knows The Lala Angle better^^

Camwhore,what us girls do best.Dumb girl on the right didn't know how to camwhore -_-''.

We decided to play model-model & camera lady-camera lady!We're too old for masak-masak.

Everything looks good when Cheryl poses and Yau takes it^^

The Girl tried to immitate Shevel.I say she looks FIERCE!!!!

There, a candid.My size 9 feet and somebody's hands.Credits to Bunny Boy,I think.

Seriously not a candid.Those are Christine's legs,btw.Credits to RABBIT MAN(JJ).

Random feet picture.Taken during Robotics.See?They aren't so retarded afterall^^Then again,that's me speaking.

Got bored.

Went to laze around in the pondok again since weather was so nice.

Toyol kicked him(inside joke),Bad Angle,Blur Shit.

Why doesn't anyone ever look?

Piggyback ride!

Guess if I was spitting or staring at ants.

Super random. *snickers*

Wasn't posing,candid.Just stare at my eyes for 10 seconds.Looks normal at first,but just stare a little longer.Doesn't it look weird?? It's just like when you stare at someone eyebrows for a long time.It somehow gets uglier and bushier.Have you noticed it before?Just go to OU and stare at someone's eyebrows.My sis agrees.Just something I noticed....oh well.

Since we were lying down already,we decided to pose ala One Tree Hill/Friends/Everyshowthatdoestheliedownthing! The Bitch/In Pain.

Sorry Shevel,I don't have a picture of you looking.

If I were to die,I think I'd come back and pay a visit to everyone looking like this.

Dang,I wish I took more pictures of the house,the food and Mallek's room.Other than camwhoring,we spent our time watching and playing Grand Theft Auto(PS 3 version).We saw stuff we shouldn't have seen.Wish I didn't watch them play.Wonder if the PS2 version has the same thing...

Now,as for my gift,I present you,a video of a dog humping my leg.

Best way to end a post.*SMACK!!*


Edit:Cheryl, upload your pictures to photobucket.Give me your username and password.

Edit 2:Sorry for the spacings.Blogger sucks.


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